Last night moco. Started looking for bunker, quite a few pods here and there, blissfully happy bunker.

Started blind casting around 9:30pm after the tide started to come in. 5 hours, 14 jetties, and 5 miles later (covered most of moco) got one short bass around 24" at 1am on black madgarter. Not really paying attention, tired, and so surprised I got a hit after all that time, and lost it in the wash.

For the next hour, I was alert and pumped, but could not even get another bump. Through the night, threw everything from topwater to swimmers to bucktails, but the darter was the only thing that got the hit. Maybe it was just coincidence, but people have been hitting them on magdarters lately. Who knows. Slim pickens.

Anyway, it was a beautiful night, perfect conditions, but the water is getting warmer. Was out with another friend, and we didn't see any other surfcasters after 10pm.