Sent in by OGB, this is from Bill, the "Casa d Ice" restaurant owner.


I just published a new post to my blog and wanted to share it with you.

Obama like most politicians try to sell the CREATION of jobs through INFRASTRUCTURE. Government funded infrastructure does not create enough jobs through the work force to make any significant difference, because it is geared to only one class of jobs (what about the rest of working America) ? One day they will come to realize that even though we need infrastructure updated it is not the ANSWER and SAVIOR of creating jobs.
Because of the BACON-DAVIS act of 1931 the taxpayer cannot get the best BANG FOR THEIR BUCK. Billions and Billions of taxpayer dollars are placed into projects that only a VERY VERY small percentage of the work force tied into very large construction companies. These projects are OVER BUDGETED because they are forced to pay prevailing wage, therefore there is no room for competing bids. When STIMULUS ONE money went out to cities and townships they had to pay prevailing wage to their employees, thus not getting the most for their money (big surprise, government involvement). Paying people prevailing wage (which is more than they normally make) is like going to McDonalds and ordering a BIG MAC with FRIES and paying for a FILET and BAKED POTATO, that is the mindset of government with YOUR tax dollars.
Another government waste of money is the CREATION of GREEN JOBS. When you have to spend 8-10 times what a job pays that is not the way a businessman that pays taxes would create a job, but government spending your tax dollars don't care how much they spend just to get a sound bite. Would you pay $1.00 for a 10 cent coke? Speaking of saving energy and green jobs ask your congress person why MOST (if not all) of the HIGH PRICED, ENERGY SAVING light bulbs are made overseas and not in AMERICA. We have light bulb manufacturers in this country that are not permitted to produce them, but we don't have any problems getting them from China. If you want to create jobs start taxing the imports giving American companies the capability of competing. Don't blame the companies for moving, and sending jobs overseas, blame Congress for passing the laws making it possible for this to happen. Of all the trade deals that politicians pass America ALWAYS ends up on the short end. I hate to be the one to tell you but America will NEVER be back to the Industrial country it once was because of the TRADE DEALS. Get used to unemployment being high until the trade laws are changed.
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