Yesterday's report:
"1.We each lost a few other fish on the T&W. I think the murky water may have had something to do with that. Visibility was at most 1-2'. The visibility of the water I usually fish T&W at is at least 6-8'. "

From my limited experience, I would recommend some different tactics trolling the T&W in murky water:
a. Brightly colored tubes - a bright yellow, bubblegum pink, flourescent orange or chartreuse tube may have a catching advantage in murky water.

"2. The wind was a steady 20mph, with sustained gusts of 25mph.
The wind made it a little tough for us as it was wind against tide for most of the morning. That can sometimes be to your advantage, I'll explain in the T&W thread in the kayak forums."

When the wind is blowing WITH the tide and the current is strong, the trolling speed may often be too fast. If you don't bounce bottom occasionally you're not fishing effectively. (Again, this is for shallow water areas, others may have techniques that work better for them).
Your job as a successful T&W fisherman is to figure out how best to present to the fish so they will see and have time to hit it, keeping it in the strike zone the longest.

Sometimes it's better to troll against the tide or wind. Vary your retrieve so you're bouncing bottom.

If the hits are light in murky water, it may be because the fish have trouble keying in on the tube to hit the hook.
Slow down your presentation or figure out a way to keep the tube in the strike zone longer.