If you're using this method right, you'll know because you'll start to rack up numbers. A lot of them will be small bass. Part of responsible fishing is to try to reduce the mortality rate of released fish.

I really don't take the fish out of the water unless I'm keeping it, and try to handle it as little as possible.

Circle hooks go a long way toward decreasing fish mortality, especially with T&W fishing.

I don't know if others are using these or not. Finchaser made me up a batch, and I have come to love fishing the tubes he made because of the hassle free, clean releases.

During the fall runs, I have seen surf fishermen drop or kick a short bass on the beach, or carelessly toss it into the water, all because they're too lazy to bend down a bit and release it the right way.

Why increase fish mortality if you have the choice not to?

These are baby bass we're talking about, a few extra seconds won't take away from your fishin time that much.

For this reason, I'm grateful Finchaser hooked me up with the tubes he made.