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Thread: Original Fishpoem contest

  1. #21


    In the surf
    there is a chase
    without haste
    I find no waste

    the bite is on
    the reel is spinning
    the line has broken
    there was no winning

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Tribute to the OFFC

    The OFFC was grumbling their usual old fart grumblings the other day when we were talking about fishing opportunities for the day. I decided this thread needs to be kicked up a notch and set up this poem.

    To be read to the beat of "The Halls of Montezuma"

    Hope ya's like it, I think it (mostly) fits....

    Tribute to the OFFC
    From the Rocks of the Jetty at IBSP,
    to the shores of Sandy Hook.

    We will tolerate the Viking internet and cell phone hordes,
    to find bass on the sand, rocks, or the bay.

    First to use cheap plastic plugs,
    last to leave the beach at night.

    We are proud to claim the title,
    of the original OFFC.

    Our guys are ready for any surf challenge,
    from noreast storms to calm seas (but no lightning, please)

    We have fished at every beach and place,
    from the Outer Banks to the Point at Race.

    While others use VS, Lamis, and custom plugs, spending all the bills,
    us farts on a budget go old school with the cheap plastics, metals, and bucktails.

    We blind cast till we find the fish,
    we're the original OFFC.

    We wanted to have a quiet club just old guys being lazy,
    but that DarkSkies was too crazy.

    We're a simple bunch of old fart surfcasters,
    having nicknames like Yardville Jimmy, Mambo Minnow killer, and Metal Master,

    Until the day we met Darkskies,
    and our lives weren't ready for the resulting disaster...

    Many times due to lack of a bite we've called it a day,
    only to grumble about selling our gear on e-bay.

    But then DarkSkies calls us, he's nutty as a loon
    tells us fish are jumping over the moon.

    So we hit the beaches for one more scene,
    hoping for the bite of our dreams.

    Should the young turks become fishing muggers, we will not despair, we will prevail,,,

    We are the OFFC....

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Raleigh NC


    sorry can't recall who wrote this or where i got it or i'd credit the writer:

    Over hill, over dale
    As we hit the beachy trail,
    And those White Buckets go rolling along.
    In and out, hear them shout,
    Counter march and right about,
    And those White Buckets go rolling along.

    Then it's hi! hi! hee!
    Over the dune nimbly,
    Shout out your presence loud and strong,
    For where e'er you go,
    You will always know
    That those White Buckets go rolling along.

    In the storm, in the night,
    Action left or action right
    See those white buckets go rolling along
    Limber front, limber rear,
    Prepare to mount your bucketeer
    And those White Buckets go rolling along.

    Was it high, was it low,
    Where the hell did the fish go?
    As those White Buckets go rolling along
    Was it left, was it right,
    Now we won't get home tonight
    And those White Buckets go rolling along

    March along, sing our song,
    With the bucket brigade of the free
    Count the brave, count the true,
    Who have fought to victory
    We're the Googans and proud of our name
    We're the Googans and proudly proclaim

    First to fight for the right,
    And to show a white rods might,
    And The White Buckets go Rolling Along
    Proud of all we have done,
    Fighting the battle's done,
    And White Buckets go Rolling Along.

    Then it's Hi! Hi! Hey!
    The Googan's are on their way.
    Count off the cadence loud and strong,
    For where e'er we go,
    You will always know
    That The White Buckets keep Rolling Along.

    Sandy Hook, Montauks ranks,
    Hither Hill and Cape Cods tanks,
    And The White Buckets go went rolling along
    Minute men, from the start,
    Always fighting from the heart,
    And The White Buckets keep rolling along.

    Men in rags, men who froze,
    Still the Googans met their foes,
    And The White Buckets went rolling along.
    Faith in themselves that we're right,
    And They'll fight with all their might,
    As The White Buckets keep rolling along.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Deliverance River, NJ


    Quote Originally Posted by jonthepain View Post
    March along, sing our song,
    With the bucket brigade of the free
    Count the brave, count the true,
    Who have fought to victory
    We're the Googans and proud of our name
    We're the Googans and proudly proclaim

    First to fight for the right,
    And to show a white rods might,
    And The White Buckets go Rolling Along
    Proud of all we have done,
    Fighting the battle's done,
    And White Buckets go Rolling Along.

    Then it's Hi! Hi! Hey!
    The Googan's are on their way.
    Count off the cadence loud and strong,
    For where e'er we go,
    You will always know
    That The White Buckets keep Rolling Along.

    Sandy Hook, Montauks ranks,
    Hither Hill and Cape Cods tanks,
    And The White Buckets go went rolling along
    Minute men, from the start,
    Always fighting from the heart,
    And The White Buckets keep rolling along.
    I don't know who created this either, but it's classic!
    Fits Dark perfectly.
    I vote for this one.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
    The OFFC was grumbling their usual old fart grumblings the other day when we were talking about fishing opportunities for the day. I decided this thread needs to be kicked up a notch and set up this poem.

    To be read to the beat of "The Halls of Montezuma"

    Hope ya's like it, I think it (mostly) fits....

    Tribute to the OFFC
    From the Rocks of the Jetty at IBSP,
    to the shores of Sandy Hook.

    We will tolerate the Viking internet and cell phone hordes,
    to find bass on the sand, rocks, or the bay.

    First to use cheap plastic plugs,
    last to leave the beach at night.

    We are proud to claim the title,
    of the original OFFC.

    Our guys are ready for any surf challenge,
    from noreast storms to calm seas (but no lightning, please)

    We have fished at every beach and place,
    from the Outer Banks to the Point at Race.

    While others use VS, Lamis, and custom plugs, spending all the bills,
    us farts on a budget go old school with the cheap plastics, metals, and bucktails.

    We blind cast till we find the fish,
    we're the original OFFC.
    Good one! Creativity abounds here.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Wow we have a bunch of poetic guys here amongst all you fishermen.
    Have you all serenaded your wives at one point in time?

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    ^^ I think you might have a couple that I sent, laying around somewhere...

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    The wind was blowing
    the cows were showing
    the moon was glowing
    the storm was coming

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default ode to the end of the spring striper run

    I saw this one on another site and thought it was pretty creative.

    Water temps are rising
    June is fading fast
    The crabs will soon be biting
    Springtime cannot last
    Bathers now crowd the beach
    Weigh in lists so short
    Cows seem out of reach
    Fluke provide some sport
    The days and nights are empty
    With my life I must move forth
    There is no joy in New Jersey
    For the stripers have moved north

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Pebbles View Post
    Wow we have a bunch of poetic guys here amongst all you fishermen.
    Have you all serenaded your wives at one point in time?

    And girlfriends too?
    In public, not too much unless I'm drunk.
    In private, she's my Queen, I love to sing silly songs.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Pebbles View Post
    Wow we have a bunch of poetic guys here amongst all you fishermen.
    Have you all serenaded your wives at one point in time?
    Whatever it takes to get some good vibes so we can get out for that last minute fishing trip!

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    from New Haven live in Wallingford Ct.

    Default heres mine

    alone I stand,on the bank,
    stone in my pocket to polish my shank.

    the tide is flowing,fish not knowing,I am there-for a cast.
    put on a plug,my only drug and sling it out to the rip.
    the wood starts to wag,my rod gets a sag and what-is-this I have for my bag?.

    a fine fat bass,with a juicy-wide ***,goes good with cold-white-wine.

    thats my gig M8

    Takes a Big Man to sling Big Wood,,,,boys sling plastic,,,,,,,

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Prayer to King Neptune

    Just made it up, enjoy.....

    Prayer to King Neptune:
    @C DarkSkies

    O King Neptune hear us now,
    please help us catch that cow,

    Keep us safe from wind and waves,
    even though some may splash our face.

    Please take care and watch over,
    that we don't accidentally crunch a piping plover

    Look out for us in our addiction,
    so that we don't become part of fishing fiction

    We believe in you and ask your support,
    because we're compelled to look for fish in any port

    So when we're out there, fingers cold, frozen, and seem to have lost our way,
    We ask you to help us survive another day

    And if you can't control the weather here and now,
    we ask for some help when we bow to the cow.

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    The bass were jumping
    in the sea,

    Everyone was catching them
    to the left and right of me,

    I went to fish
    I had to quit,

    turns out
    my waders no longer fit!

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Fishing with the skunk

    "I went out early morning
    hoping the weather would be fair

    the tide was right and I hoped with might
    that some stripers would be there.

    but as the day wore on a stench set in
    Yes something really stunk!

    and by the time I left, I knew for sure
    that I was fishing with the skunk! "

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Prayer to King Neptune for a last chance summer bass!

    Time to jump start this thread.
    Cmon guys, I know we have some creativity out there, let's see your stuff.

    Here's some more of that King Neptune mumbo jumbo....

    Prayer to King Neptune for a last chance summer bass!
    © DarkSkies 2011
    "O Great King Neptune....
    We who are not worthy beseech you!...

    Please put us in the path of some bass..
    Even though we don't go to mass,,,,,

    And help us wade through the blues...
    to get a nice striper or 2....

    If we should find some bunker..
    please help us get a lunker.."

    Nitestrikes, I really like that "fishing with the skunk", very creative.
    CharlieTuna nice effort too!

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default King Neptune Prayer for Mick and his wife at Montauk

    This is something I just came up with in a few minutes. I know there is a lot more creativity among you mooks out there.

    So lets see some of it...

    Prayer to King Neptune for Mick and his wife at Montauk....© DarkSkies 2011

    O great King Neptune, we beseech thee...
    hear our respectful plea....

    We ask your guidance for Mick our fishing brother (and his lovely wife..)
    As far as good friends go, he's like a brother....

    (But one who didn't push ya down the stairs,
    Or put ben-gay in your underwear.)

    More like a brother to look up,
    shoot the breeze and other stuff...

    And a friend of Bill W to boot,
    You will never see this guy Mick in a monkey suit....

    Please, great King Neptune, we humbly ask,
    send this guy and his wife some bass...

    Whether it's schoolies or bigguns, they're easy to please.
    and in the end they will set them free.....

    So please shine down your fishy mojo and show them the way,
    as he and his beautiful bride fish Montauk today......

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default surfcaster's code .... if it's too easy it ain't worthy of praise...

    Surfcaster's code ... if it's too easy it ain't worthy of praise...

    This was inspired by Monty, Surfwalker, Vpass....some of the most hardcore surf guys I know... and a few other crazy fools ...if the fishin's easy, they would rather be where it isn't...
    And please remember that because the fall 2011 season is winding down, this is satire...wanted to be clear about that as some might not understand...

    Surfcasters' Code...© DarkSkies 2011
    Lord, please put me out in the water that is white.... (Monty drools here...)
    and make it hard to see in the darkest of night....

    Give me some harsh wind, of this I don't jest....
    but if given a choice, please make it from the Northwest....

    Throw in some wind-knots and finger freezing too...
    If we ain't suffering for those fish, it ain't cool...

    Keep me away from the bunker blitzes and those who would snag and drop....
    Everyone knows if ya got a fish in a blitz, it's a crock........

    And keep my feet off of any boat that has a deck...
    Everyone knows those fish are too easy, what the heck...

    Instead please help me in my search...
    To find those needle in the haystack 20lb bass, which I'll cast for till my fingers hurt...

    And keep me away from those sand-bar mugging Vikings....
    Even if out there, the fish they are a-striking......

    If at all possible Lord, bring me fish on the darkest of nights and days.....
    Because every surfcaster knows....if it's too easy it ain't worthy of praise....

    Happy Holidays everyone....

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
    Surfcaster's code ... if it's too easy it ain't worthy of praise...
    Happy Holidays everyone....
    Awesome poem Dark

    Happy Holidays
    White Water Monty 2.00 (WWM)
    Future Long Islander (ASAP)

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    ha ha that is the bomb! Funny stuff dark!

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