Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
Rip, very good question.

What my opinion is, about releasing fish, is often quite different than the opinion of others, or whether there is even a need to release fish.

I think some of the disparity is when guys fishing from boats compare their catches when in bunker or bait blitzes and try to draw inferences from that great fishing to whether the numbers are down. What they are seeing, especially if they have only been fishing a few years, are the "M&Ms" in the middle of the bowl.
(more info here - bowl of M&Ms always looks bigger in the middle - posts 68 & 69)

For guys who fish from the surf or land, we are on the edges. Traditionally, surf guys will see the "overflow" of bass and blues, and if there is an abundance, or decline, more quickly than those who only fish from boats. Yet, there are so many other factors (bait migration, inshore water temps, seasonal differences, etc) that sometimes it's hard to empirically say there are less bass around.
What Darkskies said.
I fish 3-4 nights a week and my numbers are definitely down. I know how to catch fish and if they are there I'm catching them. Compared to 6 years ago, when I could catch 20 bass a night easy, these years you're lucky to put a catch of 5 together.

I fished last night 3-6am, 2 bass to 31", rubber.