Quote Originally Posted by SharkHart View Post
The other part of putting yourself in favorable matchup is the conditions, South winds, showing up at 9am arent good strategies. I like hard NW winds as a lure guy. A pre NE storm is also effective but PRE is the key word. I also believe in camping out on bait if you find it because the predators usually will find it soon enough. Sand eel bites can be fast and furious right after sunup then can quickly go quiet, so you have to be out the ready once it gets light.
Well said, you sound like you have a lot of years experience. A lot of guys will say I fished all day 9-3 and I didn't get any bass. Those are the hours you should be with your family, and then sneak out in the night, sunrise, or afternoon.

You can't whine about nopt being a good baseball player if you don't practice and work on your weaknesses, Same for fishing, I think your advice was spot on.

ALL I would add is try to time it when the fish are less wary. You can't always find a blitz, and you can't fish every night all night wthout getting divorced. Choose your trip timing well, and you will increase your odds.