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Thread: 79 lb carp

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    Default 79 lb carp

    Angler catches one of world's biggest carp

    Nov 13 2010 by Andrew Wilkinson, Evening Gazette
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    GLOBE-TROTTING Redcar [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]angler
    [/COLOR] Kevin Turner has caught one of the world’s biggest carp.
    The 28-year-old all-round angler got the better of the mighty ‘Shoulders’ which stunned regulars at Abbey Lakes in France, when it tipped the scales at a mighty 79lb 5oz.
    It is one of the top 20 known carp in the world, and, after being carefully returned to the lake, could grow even bigger.

    Kevin - who is in the forces and has served in Afghanistan where he also found time to catch carp - was fishing in the Forces Carp Classic Pairs, when he won his battle with his super fish.
    He was paired with David Golding of Norton, who caught a personal best of 46lb 8oz.
    The duo won the five-day match with a staggering total of 804lb. They caught eight 30lb fish and a further 17 of 20lb plus.
    Rob Hughes, boss of Angling International the UK booking agents for the complex said: “Shoulders is a monster of a fish that just keeps growing.
    “It broke 70lb last year and shot up to 75lb in the autumn.
    “It always has a big growth spurt towards the end of the year.
    “We were expecting it to be upper 70 but to rattle 80lbs is incredible.”
    Kevin beat the huge fish, the biggest in the lake, on just 15lb line after it took his boilie bait. His tackle and bait is provided by Keith Sports of Saltburn.
    He is based in Norfolk, with the North-east Regiment of the Light Dragoons.
    “He fishes all over the world,” said his delighted dad Dave.
    “He even caught carp in a river on Afghanistan.
    “They are considered a delicacy there, but he always returns his fish.
    “His next duty is in Canada, though no doubt he will find time to catch a pike!”
    Kevin, a lance corporal, featured in the Gazette last year in less happy times.
    He suffered shrapnel wounds when the combat vehicle he was travelling in was attacked in Afghanistan’s notorious Helmand Province.
    He is an all-round sportsman, who has played cricket in India for the England army team, and runs half-[COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]marathons[/COLOR][/COLOR]


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    wtg bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Raleigh NC

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Nice Carp!

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