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Thread: Comparing Notes Down East NC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Raleigh NC

    Default Comparing Notes Down East NC

    Our fellow NCPHA member target357 has been contacted by several down east farmers to help them with their coyote problems. While no novice to predator hunting and trapping, as evidenced by his quality coyote mount in his living room (I shoulda got a picture,) 357 wanted to compare notes with us piedmont hunters. So Puppypopper and I mounted up and headed down east for a day of coyote hunting, flatland style.

    And oh yeah, we blasted at a couple of crows, too.

    So, here's the story - I haven't been hunting since last season, so I needed to sort thru my stuff the day before.

    Just call me Mr. Organization:

    I headed out around Oh-Dark-Thirty, past my neighbor's pond.

    Tommy's a great guy.

    I met the Pupster at exit 319.

    I envy him his new truck:

    We took a wrong turn on the way there,

    but eventually ended up at 357's place.

    We all hopped into the NCPHA Mobile, and headed out to stop #1.

    Gearing up. No, that's not a grass skirt. Well, sorta:

    The farmer has lost some calves recently, so he was happy to see us.
    This is NOT a calf:

    Hey look! It's raining coyotes!

    The farmer told us that the coyotes are denning in the woods to the right, so we set up in the trees on the left and commenced to callin'.

    No takers at this stand, so we moved on

    This stand was between a swamp where they den up and some woods with a dead hole in it. We went prone in our Ghillies in the hope that we could draw them out into the open.

    This is some big field!


    Still no dice, so we decided to move to another farm. But hey, while we're here, we might as well thin out the local crow population!


    Placing a sentry:

    the spread:

    Here they come!

    Well that was so much fun, we moved to another farm and called some more crows.

    357 deer hunts this soybean field, but we were after crows:

    Those beaver tail shoes are going to be all the rage soon:

    Is everything so flat around here? That's Pup's truck in the distance:

    The crows were cooperating, even if our shot patterns weren't. So we headed on down the road,

    and ended up here:

    Kinda handy, too. Gas up!

    The set-up:

    Posting another sentry:

    (continued in next topic)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Wow cool pics and story. That bull looks scarey!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Raleigh NC


    No lie, that was the biggest bull i've ever seen. i wish i had taken a picture of it with somebody standing next to it.

    i had to look up at him to look in his eye.

    it's the farmer's prize bull. i got the whole story on him when we were there but forgot it all.

    he made that horse (who is pretty good sized) look like a shetland pony when they stood next to each other.

    we had to cut thru his pasture twice. i sure am glad he didn't spot us.

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