Quote Originally Posted by dogfish View Post
Best of luck. I wouldn't go to dark for business advice. He's a little warped at times.
At times??? rofl gimme a break!

you guys are really humbling me here.

yah i know there's no way this ex jersey guy is gonna come up from north carolina to work on people's lawns, so i really appreciate you guys just helping me out with my google ranking. that's above and beyond the call of duty.

i've got a couple of other things in the pipeline right now, that you all might be interested in come springtime.

and oh yeah, Rich, you are the bomb!
one is, i'm going to start offering the juice that i use on peoples lawns down here, online. it's a concentrate; you just mix it up with agua. now what i use is not quite that simple; i make compost tea along with the organic fertilizer, but just the fertilizer itself is fantastic stuff.

i was in walmart yesterday, and my pharmacist (you cant beat $3.99 prescriptions), who's lawn i do, called me over to his pharmacy and asked me what's up with that kelp stuff i put on his lawn last fall. he said that he's got the only green lawn in the neighborhood. one neighbor uses chemlawn, another uses scott's, and yet another uses EPM, and he said their lawns all look like ****.

now you gotta understand this guy is super anal about his lawn, and he's used all the other lawn services. he took a chance on me because i'm a customer of his.

so now he's sold on my juice.

if dark will let me, i'd like to let you guys know when i get it all set up to sell the stuff thru my website. the company dropships it, and i get a small commission. when i order it, it comes the next day with only normal ups shipping! it's a pretty amazing company.

well anyway that's my next project.

the other one is a book that a friend of mine wrote - she's like the country's leading expert on garage sales. she's been on good morning america and the today show, and writes a garage sale column for a bunch of newpapers. and is about the biggest yenta ever, but that's another story.

anyway she's given me the rights to sell her book online, as a downloadable ebook. so i've been busy scanning it into my computer and getting all the websites and autoresponders and marketing etc etc for the last 3 months. it's 179 pages of great info on how to make more money at your garage sale.

she wrote the book, i'm gonna do all the marketing, and we'll split the proceeds 50/50.

i don't know beans about garage saling, but i do know a little bit about marketing, and it seems to me that there are probably a lot of people that are gonna try to get some scratch together this coming spring, considering the economy and all.

so i'm kinda excited about that opportunity too.

so thanks everybody for supporting me! i really appreciate the clicks, i really do. you guys are awesome.

meanwhile i'm looking forward to getting back working outdoors. i love doing lawns, and especially since my (21) yr old middle son is my partner in this. i got surgery coming up (inguinal hernia, not a big deal,) but i gotta get it done before next season cuz i can't go another year like this.

thanks again!
jon (the pain)

ps great idea about doing some videos for my web site. i do know gopher; boy if his mug don't scare 'em off, then i should be ok

and oh yeah, Rich, you are the bomb!