Quote Originally Posted by dogfish View Post
Best of luck. I wouldn't go to dark for business advice. He's a little warped at times.
Dogfish, I am what I am, no sense sugar coating it. I'm ok with it, effumall to those who ain't. Are ya freezin yet up there or what? No bass till May for you guys, that's gotta suck.

Jon, your business deserves a push. You're welcome, wish I could do more.

It's actually a positive thing to be involved in. A few years ago when I was doing some research on the ups and downs of the bunker cycles, an old salt told me about the Abemarle Sound down by you. He claimed the bunker are breeding less effectively because of the nitrogen runoff from the lawn fertilizers and feces runoff from some of the chicken plants they have down there near the water.

I don't know if it's true, but the way he explained it, it sounded plausible.

So best of luck. People are slow to adapt to new ideas when the old ones seem to work as well. Getting more people to think about fertilizer runoff won't be easy. It's absolutely necessary to address it as more people move to bay areas to be near the water. Not everyone can afford oceanfront. There are still pockets in major metropolitan estuaries that are waiting to be developed. More development brings more runoff and pollutants.

You definitely made a step in the right direction, and I hope you are able to ride that curve as more people become educated. I'll do whatever I can to help, bro.