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My response :
Commissioner Morris,
I received your letter today in response to my questions and comments on the ban of fishing at Shoreham Beach. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me, I appreciate it. I have some follow-up questions for you, if you could please address these I would appreciate it.
You state that fishing has never been permitted at this beach. People have been fishing here for years, why now is Brookhaven enforcing this town code ?
Why do you say there are obvious safety concerns ? The beach here is extensive and the allowable bathing area is roped in and patrolled by lifeguards. How are fisherman who are fishing outside of the designated bathing areas causing a safety issue ? Have there been any documented incidents in the past of fisherman injuring bathers ?
Supervisor Foley has sent letters to people indicating fishing is allowed outside of the designated bathing area, what you are saying contradicts this. Can you please explain this ?
Numerous sources have said the real reason the beach has been closed to fishing is littering issues, is this the case ? How do you know fisherman have done this ? If so, shouldn't law enforcement ticket these individuals ? Banning fishing completely because of the actions of a few individuals is not the answer. Does the Town of Brookhaven ban driving because some people are speeding or driving drunk ?
Are you and the Town of Brookhaven familiar with the Public Trust Doctrine ? People are allowed to fish and be on the beach up to the mean high tide mark, so the beach the residents think is "theirs" is not "theirs". Access must be provided to these beaches. The town has stated that anyone who even comes onto the beach with a fishing rod will have Public Safety called on them. First of all possessing a fishing rod is not illegal and second , the Public Trust Doctrine allows for access to the beach. The Town of Brookhaven is violating the Public Trust Doctrine.
Instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water and banning fishing, I suggest the Town attack the real problem here. Tax paying residents are being deprived of the resources they pay for and this ban is having a negative impact on the local economy. If littering is an issue , utilize the enforcement and cleaning services that tax payers are paying for. I would also suggest working with fishing organizations to do beach clean-ups if needed. Many organizations sponsor beach clean-up outings and fisherman work to clean up the beaches. Real fisherman are not the problem here, in fact most real fisherman do not leave litter and are excellent stewards of the beach and sea.