2009 Commercial vs Rec Catch stats

Sent in by OGB, thanks!
My point here is....if you look at these stats closely, you will be scratching your head at the disparity.

Reasonable minds might conclude that some are not being honest, as their catch #s are extremely low compared to other states with the similar seasons or amount of Comm fishermen fishing. Something stinks, here, and it ain't just the 3 day old fish floating on the water.

2009 Bass Harvest
Commercial harvest of Striped Bass by State for 2009 as reported by ASMFC

MA 1,138,291
RI 234,368
NY 789,891
DE 192,311
MD 2,394,620
PRFC 727,197
VA 1,549,145
NC 189,995

Recreational harvest figures by State for 2009

ME 288,741
NH 146,004
MA 4,525,166
RI 1,093,321
CT 877,614
NY 4,380,891
NJ 3,807,088
DE 313,296
MD 4,558,773
VA 1,259,314
NC 209,856

NC combined numbers are app. 400,000 pounds
MD combined 6,950,000 pounds
MA combined 5,650,000 pounds
NY combined 5,100,000 pounds
VA combined 2,800,000 pounds
RI combined 1,320,000 pounds
NJ 3,800,000 pounds

[Notice how low NC comes in since they were only allowed 50 fish a day. This is how figures lie.No one counts all they killed culling for the big ones. they look like angels
This is an OGB comment^^^^^^^]