I see that crosseyed bass put up a thread about fishing articles during the moratorium.
I applaud that. If you have not lived and experienced those meager fishing years you cannot really understand what is like to almost lose striped bass to extinction. This really happened folks, it is not just a collection of rumors. I posted an article for the weakfish thread, and realized there might be other articles out there that fishermen could identify with.
So, with Darkskies' permission, I hope this different thread, focusing on the good times of fishing will allow folks to see things differently, as they were back then.

This is a story that is about the weakfish, and how plentiful they used to be. I don't know how many folks remember this, but in the 70's they were so plentiful in the Delaware Bay that folks filled up trash cans with them. Many of them were wasted, but that was the norm back then. We never really thought that there could be such a thing as species extinction.
We have truly learned a lot since those times.

Here is the link to the article.