I think it sucks. I don't think it really has to do with a persons nationality. I do think that that more and more people are not following rules, laws and are down right ignorant, rude and inconsiderate. I'm with you on speaking English, you live here, you should learn it. Congrats to the cops on taking their rods and gear. Its just a very bad situation with the charges filed. I don't know what the answer to all this stuff is. Vigilante fisherman? Its got to stop. All this littering, taking shorts, culling, messing up the streets. It goes on and on and on. Raise the fines, break the rods on the spot? I see so much garbage left by fisherman out there.
One thing for sure, its not fair closing down the bridges to everyone.
I think we need a fishing license for salt water. $50.00. Get caught littering, culling, with a short, etc. take the license for a year. Next time it costs you $500 for a year. We need to make the punishment for an offense much greater than the offense. Get caught without a license $1,000.00 fine or jail time. I see no other solution.