Quote Originally Posted by fishincrazy View Post
Finally Rich knows exactly what I posted here,why don't you ask him if he thought I was a quack,ungrateful and all why didn't he just delete this thread or lock it down???I wonder HMMMMMM?????????Maybe because he along with 1,000's of other beach goers and tidal water users are scared to death that all of our freedom to enjoy NJ's beautiful water front areas for recreation will go away.That's all I've got to say. I wish you luck and God speed!

For the record I cast my NAY vote
Jim Hill
326 Station ave
put me on a list please
How do you know I don't think you're a quack, bro?

Seriously, guys, I can tell when people are catching less fish because they turn their energies to hassling people on the internet.

You don't wanna hassle, Jim, people. At the DEP meeting in Long Beach, LBI, his speech was so passionate and genuine it brought tears to the eyes of some in the room. And received a standing ovation.

We all have different ways of doing things when we get involved in something. I don't think it's right to criticize a person's methods if you aren't doing something to help with the problem in question.

And Jim's right, a lot of people just dont seem to have a vested interest in this, can't be bothered....just like they can't be bothered helping out in many of the fisheries management issues Finchaser and others put up here....the thinking is...if it doesn't affect my fishing now, why should I put any effort into it.

I'll tell ya why...because there are those out there who would not have us fish on the beaches. These people are organized and have political power, or at least they are smart enough to have the ear of politicians who represent them.

And, sadly, I have quite a few fishermen friends who feel the same way. They have seen the insanity of the blitz and cell-phone fishing, and are silently praying for the state to restrict access. These fishermen I know will always find a way to access the beaches and jetties in the dead of night, and some would be happy if there were signs everywhere. Sadly, I have no answer to that because I hear their complaints about poor behavior of some fishermen all the time.

How cohesive can we be as a political group when a large % of us are apathetic, and another % are secretly hoping for restricted acess to keep the inconsiderate fishermen away?

Think access can't be restricted any more than it is now?
I invite you doubters to take a tour of the Connecticut shoreline, where the majority of access points, other than State Parks and Marina areas, are locked, gated, and "off limits, property owners only"

Does that violate the Public Trust Doctrine?
Sure it does, but the towns up there have found a way to get around it, as they will in NJ, now that the power has shifted to them and not the DEP.

It may be the DEP was paying lip service by scheduling this meeting. Nonetheless I thank Fishincrazy and others for their efforts. The reality we face is we will have access restricted, one beach at a time.

We need to make more of a stink about this.
Fortunately for the homeowners and towns, most of us won't.

But many will rant about it on the internet, after it's too late to do something.

So if you are not doing anything about it now, please don't let me hear you rant about it after we lose access permanently.
And if you ain't actively involved in protesting this in some way, even if it's with helping us out by sending letters or C&P e-mail protest templates, then please think twice, about criticizing those of us who are involved.