Thought you guys might like this story, kind of ironic

"This week, the commercial fishing boat Roque del Águila, (Tenerife, Canary Islands) quickly sunk in calm waters off the Western Sahara.
By all indications and observations, the vessel’s tuna-fishing trip was ended when a huge swordfish gouged a 7-inch hole in the wooden ship’s hull.
The boat had been on a huge shoal of tuna, which were being put-upon by attacking swords.
Despite being equipped with both primary automatic pumps along with auxiliary pumps, the billfish-born hole was low in the hull. The pressurized incoming water easily overpowering the pumps.
All the crewmembers safely escaped on a life raft and were quickly rescued by nearby fishing vessels.
The owner of the Roque del Águila said he was worried about the swords when the tuna shoal surrounded his boat to essentially hide from the fast-moving predators. "