Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
6. If you have a busy life, and are pressed for time, if you only went out and fished the 2 nights before and after the full and new moons, you would exponentially increase your odds of catching. Whether you do catch or not, that's up to you and the waters you fish in (which I hope you have chosen carefully)
Moon fishing....
I posted this in another thread, worth reading, I think...

Tide tables....
How many of ya's are obsessive about your tide tables? Surfwalker is one I know of here who's diligent about printing out his different tide tables every month. Even if he doesn't make it to fish the area, he prints out the ones he's interested in.
Every month, I print a few myself.
Just got done printing out 10 of them. I may print more as the month progresses.

Why do this?

!. Weather pattern changes - When the wind is from the NE, do you know a place that will allow you to fish it in safety? How about from a yak? How about a hard S, or a strong N/NW pattern? You can't always rely on the weatherman. If I start out to fish and area and am blown out by the weather, do I just turn tail and go home?

Hell no. I take out my charts. I look where I can still get to that has good tides and offers me a way to fish that weather pattern.
If you want to catch fish, even in the hottest weather of summer, you have to be ready and willing to change your plans.

Or change from the ocean to the back bay, or the back bay to a river....

Granted, once you know a whole body of water, you generally know that..."the inlet HT is 2 hours later than the ocean, or the particular bridge, the HT is 3 hours later, etc, etc, so you probably don't actually need to carry all that paper around with ya. But if you're as obsessive as I am, I'll tell ya's that I don't mind. Rather than let the weather or strong winds ruin my trip, it gives me more options. I feel that I have done more of my homework that way.

How about you folks?

And Monty, as usual, your pics are inspiring...looking at them on a hot muggy day makes me want to get out there and find that refreshing water!