Yes it does work, but it requires more finesse, strategy, and the key to success here, similar to the real estate mantra, is.....

presentation, presentation, and presentation.....

To break that down for others to understand better. some things that have worked for me...

1. Braid only at night, you need to feel every extra 1/2 oz or oz that is on that line.

2. If it feels heavier, you need to reel in and re-position it immediately. Any weeds or substance on that hook other than the worm will kill your effectiveness and attraction.

3. Washed out worms. If you are not getting hit at least every 5 minutes in the area you're trolling, either the bait is washed out or the fish aren't there in numbers, and you should move elsewhere if you can. Now is the time to make that big move!

4. Fresh bait, and lots of it.....I have caught fish in the daytime on a worm that was dragging in the water for 10 or 15 minutes, but that was when they're stacked. If not, without fresh bait and fresh bloodk you are wasting your time and might as well be home.
In the daytime, I can get 3-4 uses out of one worm, as I only thread on a small piece to discourge the porgies, those bait-stealing bastids!
In the night, I am back to using 1 worm at a time, so it costs more to fish the night bite.

Fail to pay attention to these words, and you won't catch any Quality fish. In fact, you will swear to your friends that they just aren't there.
Think about it,.....a bass finds the T&W at night because of the underwater vibration detected by it's lateral lines.

How does it know it's food?? ...the blood from the worm, and the soft texture when they mouth it. Chintz out on that and you will score very few bass.