I thought it might be interesting here to see what the folks who fish every day for a living, are catching or not catching. Please remember if you post a report showing a Capt being candid that these guy work hard for every fish they catch.

There are some days where ya just can't find a fish.
This thread was not intended to single any one capt out, as I have tremendous respect for the hard work they do. However, there are some leaders of Fishermen Groups (groups that purport to represent all fishermen) out there who claim that fishing has not suffered or that fishing is better than ever, or that striped bass catches have not declined.....I think we need to counter these irresponsible statements with a real dose of what is happening out there, on a daily basis....

I think when a captain makes a comment about the state of the fishery, from his professional perspective based on his logs and catches, it's important for the folks out there to see this, in aggregate.

Statistical analysis might be a more accurate tool for this, but most folks don't want to read statistical analysis...they want to read first-hand accounts of how the fishing is....so this is the best vehicle I could come up with for presenting any stories you might have to share....

So thanks for your input in this thread, folks, and please give credit to the captains who made the reports. Remember that every one of these guys tries his very best to get clients into fish, and there are some good days, and bad days, out there...