Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
Yep, I've been getting the updates from Diane Dow but haven't had time to post them. I am very grateful for people like FishinCrazy/ Jim who go out of their way to attend these meetings and keep us informed.

I want people to know, that Jim travels all the way from PA everytime there is one of these meetings in NJ.
Some folks live in the same county, and still havent shown up to show support to any one of these meetings.

I can't see inside your lives to know if you would have been able to make these meetings...only you would know that...and the purpose of my words here is not to chastize, but encourage anyone who can, to attend.

We have slowly had access removed because of poor behavior on the part of fishermen,, from Lacey Twp to the Monmouth County Bridges..it would be very easy for the LBI towns to enact restrictive parking that would specifically hurt the fishermen and guys who are out there at night. This would thereby effectively shut down fishing without violating Constitutional Rights or the Public Trust Doctrine...

Thanks again, Jim, for all ya do.
Rich it's funny you bring up that bridge incident we brought that up and the DEP is going to look into it.They think those bridges should be open!!