Fished OC with the OGB last night.
It was tough to find a places where the surf was fishable, big swells everywhere. If not for the tide being as high as it was we would have had no water.

Despite the handicaps, we managed a very slow pick of fish, 2 bass, 1 about 10. The other about 13#. All on plugs, as the water was rough. A few other hits and misses.

I kind of ruined the flow for Fin when I put a hook in and out of my palm. The fish lay on the beach and I didn't leader it as usual but grabbed it closer to the hook. Thank God Fin had dykes with him.. The hook went clean through and we were able to crush the barb, cut it, and back it out.

More than embarassing because it's the first time I ever put a hook in my flesh, clean through.

I know better...and that's the most embarassing part of all...
I know he won't let me live the stupidity down, so I might as well come clean and fess up....

From now on I'll be crushing all my barbs, and will strongly be preaching that to you folks out there......

We missed out on valuable fishin time by dealing with that hook in palm. I know he would have had some bigger fish, but the opportunity had passed.......

Much gratitude to the Old Grouchy Basstard for being there....
I might have been in a little trouble without his quick thinking.....