Quote Originally Posted by surfstix1963 View Post
jail will not be a pretty place and I know someone mentioned he will be prtected but you can only protect someone so much it is not taken lightly in jail they will get to him lets just say there are guards that give the manhattan stare(see no evil stare) I am not a personal friend at all I've been to the shop when I needed something and I would never protect anyone accused of this
Ever hear of PC? Protective custody.

I wish that were true, surfstix but my friend knows someone who is in corrections. These losers are segregated, and watched over like the holy grail. They eat at different times than the rest of the genral population and even in the exercise yards they have their own times or are segregated. If the guards knowingly let something happen that they could have they could get written up. Sure they wont lose their jobs but no body wants to get written up so they protect these creeps. Thats why I could never be in corrections because I would turn the other way and give the manhattan stare as you so called it.