I don't care where ya got em...
I don't care what county you were in....
I don't care about how big they were...
(If ya wanna add that, fine, but not necessary, I already know most of the other places where fish are being caught, an admittedly slow pick, but there are still fish out there, other than at Island Beach...

Even if ya went someplace, and got rats that were 16", that's worthy of this thread...
because it shows me, and others, that there are some folks out there who....

don't run with the herd of lemmings...
may be sick of the muggings, disrespect, discourtesy, and general Viking-like attitude that happens when the bite is hottest...

and are so sick of it that they are actively seeking "anything other than Island Beach" fishing situations......

The folks I'm targeting this thread towards....
are the folks I'm meeting every day now....
who realize that although the fishing has been incredible....all good things must eventually come to an end....

These are the folks who go fishing for the sake of fishing...
who love being out there....the fresh air, the aspect of being in the midst of nature, and enjoying the goodness that God gave us, without it being a race to beat every other guy to the pot of gold.....

I did it today and yesterday.....today I was in the center of the hottest action...the pot of gold...yesterday I missed it by a mile, and sucked wind all day chasing after fish...

And please understand one thing here, as much as I'm griping here, I may be back there soon....but definitely not on a weekend....the discourtesy today was too much for a night guy who relishes my alone time, out on the jetties, or points, with maybe a few others....

It just ain't nacheral to have all those guys squeezed to tight together.....I moved 10 feet to the side of where I was to have a brief conversation with 2 idiots who looked like models from the Orvis catalog..and within 1 1/2 minutes a guy was so close to me I though he had some sort of unnatural interest in my backside....

So many stories...so little time....

In the past 2 weeks, there have been limited spurts of activity, few hours here and there, fish as big as 25#, and as small as 14" , caught by guys who are out there, just for the sake of being out in the surf......those are the guys (and gals) I'm saluting here....

And those are the stories I want to hear....

Feel free to disclose as little or as much info as you are comfortable with...
I really don't care where......I'm happy, as others are, to hear that they are out in other nooks and crannies.....

We'll make this a multi-year thread....if a post is entertaining or funny enough, once a year I might pick the "best of" and throw a plug or 2 at that person...
but most of the guys who will be reporting in this thread...probably don't care about the plug as an incentive anyway....they fish,...just to fish....and to get away from the crowds....not to run towards them......

Thanks for reading....and good luck....