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Thread: Mugging rules page1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default mugging?

    I know this thread has been beaten to death before but i just have to say that one of the most annoying things about fishing is the mugging when you are by yourself and someone just walks right up to you to start fishing. With miles of beach why do they think you are in the golden spot? Also spot burning why do people have to do it what do they get out of it.

    just doesn't make any sense to me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I have to agree this issue has been beatin to death.I was fishing with a well know local angler this spring.This guy lives on the canal in point pleasant.The issue of spot burning came up.He told me he didn't care if anybody knew where he fished.It was his opinion that people chasing spots and not working and cultivating their own spots was a damn shame.He said when folks hear of his success at certain spots they crowd him for maybe a night or 2 but then they leave and he has it to himself again.I saw alot of this this fall in Brick,Man you'd have a good morning the word would get out then blamo everybody and their brother where out in force.I found it would die off pretty quick and then it would be back to normal.I'd see the same guy's out on my next go round.I always hate to read about specific spots,but after this fall and seeing the throngs come and go.I think I can live with it at least a little.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    The problem I have with mugging is that I do work my *** off scouting and searching. I go at low tide, high tide, bad and good weather. If I put in that much time doing my homework than no I am not interested in some lazy *** bum coming to mug me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008



    That's why ya won't see it here.

    I have the same experience as you Basshunter. It's a free ocean out there, anyone can come up alongside you and fish next to you. We have no say in that. That's how it should be, as long as someone gives you a decent amount of space.

    It can get crazy when because of an internet report, you have hordes of people converge on one specific red x when if they studied the area, they would realize that there might be 5 or more spots at that location that produce regularly.

    Of course, that would require going to the area at low tide and seeing what the structure really looks like with your own eyes. Many people can't be bothered with that, that turns fishin into work for them.

    I like that kind of scouting, to me it's a challenge.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
    That's why ya won't see it here.

    I have the same experience as you Basshunter. It's a free ocean out there, anyone can come up alongside you and fish next to you. We have no say in that. That's how it should be, as long as someone gives you a decent amount of space.

    It can get crazy when because of an internet report, you have hordes of people converge on one specific red x when if they studied the area, they would realize that there might be 5 or more spots at that location that produce regularly.

    Of course, that would require going to the area at low tide and seeing what the structure really looks like with your own eyes. Many people can't be bothered with that, that turns fishin into work for them.

    I like that kind of scouting, to me it's a challenge.
    I agree with you here Dark!!!The work put in finding those wonderful bars/cuts and rips is alotta fun!!!It does really !!@!$$@#!!! when you on the bite and you get mugged!I've always been a big believer in you get what you pay for.The more you put into finding and learning specific spots the better you'll do.Your also right in the fact that any beach has multiple spots on a spot where you'll find fish!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by basshunter View Post
    The problem I have with spot burning is that I do work my *** off scouting and searching. I go at low tide, high tide, bad and good weather. If I put in that much time doing my homework than no I am not interested in some lazy *** bum reading about some hot spot on the internet and coming to mug me.
    The internet has really made it easy to follow the fish when their migrating,IT helps me alot.This however doesn't make me mug anyone.These people who think because yesterday they where at point A so we'll go there are nuts!!!I find the report chasers are the first ones to complain when the bite is off.Due to not working a beach just going to the spot they learn nothing!!!I agree with you here basshunter the age of communication has made ir difficult to hit that honey hole without having to deal with the crowds.


  6. #6
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    If people want to read the web than come on out, that's fine. Of course by no means should they go mugging the ones who are their first. They should also better be willing to come up with info if they are asked from some of their friends. Too many expect info but are not willing to share.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    thats why if i dont go out with dark i just go fish and tell no one thays why i do what i do fish were a lot of people wont the more they turn there nose up at it the better for me and dark knows what i mean so the cell phone guy and mr mugger can have the little fish on one there but me so no spot burn

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Ocean County,NJ

    Default Mugging rules page1

    If only this was true! WAIT, then again it was 90% true before the INTERNET and cell phones
    by FIN

    Rules BY NICK HONACHEFSKY of the fisherman

    SURF D0NT’ S

    No Mugging,
    Follow a few sinijle rules and
    courtesies and everyone will have
    a beller surf fishing experience.

    Mug (verb) — to hold up, knock off,
    loot plunder, hijack swindle.

    If you’ve fished the beach long enough, you know what “mugging” is. Loosely defined, it’s the direct, uncomfortable encroachment of the area you are fishing area by another angler, usually occurring after the said angler sees you hook up, or after said angler thinks there is enough room to fish the same exact spot as you.
    However you look at it, you know what it feels like when it happens to you and it can lead to angry verbal exchanges, fistfights, and most importantly, missed fishing time, all of which destroy a fishing outing. So how do you know if you’ve been mugged? More to the point, how do you know if you’re mugging someone else? Here are a few quick guidelines to follow to keep you on the straight and narrow.

    The Golden Rule: If you are the first one to get to a spot, then that spot is yours to fish. No other angler has the right to move in and try to claim the spot when you’re already there — no matter how many times they’ve fished it.
    Getup earlier if you want to put claim on a spot.

    You arrive at a spot and come upon an angler whds at the beach ahead of you, and has two sandspiked clamming rods set up and fishing a particular hole. If you see this, move to either side of the deadsticked rods. Other anglers should not fish anywhere between the deadstick rods but should fish on the outermost sides of the rods. I live in Normandy Beach year-round and some mornings I walk up to my beach to what I consider “my hole” to start plugging, only to see a deadsticker there. I feel trespassed, but he was there first, and that makes it his hole to fish, plain and simple. I move on; which leads me to the 20/50-yard rule.

    20/50-YARD RULE
    If a deadsticker is set up in a hole, and I want to plug, it is not considered mugging to walk 20 yards in either direction from his outermost rods and start making casts.
    However, if you are also deadsticking or baitfishing, it’s best to stay at least 50 yards away. Go down to the next hole to set up camp. When anglers are plugging or snagging bunker, a comfortable distance between anglers actively fishing is usually around 30 to 50 yards.

    When adult bunker schools come in close enough to snag from the suds, it can get competitive from the beach.
    Always stay on the outskirts of the snagging crew. Say there are five guys all snagging bunker, but the school has begun to move south fast. You are on the tail end of the snagging crew. You don’t have the right to pick up and muscle your way in between anglers 2 and 3, or 3 and 4. What you should do is frog-hop the entire bunch of anglers and intercept the school ahead to start snagging again. However, that action only applies if the pack of anglers is fairly tight If the anglers are spread out, see the 20/50-yard rule above in respect to re-entering the snagging crew in the middle.

    The concrete rule: No boat has the right to fish so close to the surfcaster’s average casting distance without expecting repercussions. Surf fishermen should get first dibs on surf fish. If a boat fishes a bunker school or boiling bass closely enough to the shore to read the writing on a surfcaster’s hat, the boater must expect the possibility of being pelted by errant plugs, heavy metal jigs or weighted bunker snags. A surfcaster needs not give way to a boater.

    This one can get really hairy in the heat of the moment, so it’s best to keep it ultra-simple: Don’t”cut in.”
    An angler walks up to the beach and sees bass and blues busting the surface all over. If the pack of anglers is tight, don’t walk down and begin casting between two anglers already spaced evenly apart. You’ll encroach on their already established personal space and screw up the whole dynamic. Walk to either end of the pack, anticipating the school’s movement, and begin casting. The school moves, then the other anglers pickup and frog-hop to the forward-progressing end of the line to begin casting again. It’s bad karma to “cut in” between anglers.

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

  9. #9
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    Ocean County,NJ

    Default Mugging page 2

    Eighty percent of my surf fishing is done by walking on, 20 percent by beach buggy. Beach buggies have the decided advantage when it comes to chasing blitzes and scoping out spots. But this is how it goes: Most muggings occur as a conflict between beach buggy anglers and walk-ons.
    Too many beach buggy anglers sit in the comfortable heat of the truck with binoculars without making casts. Once another angler — often a walk-on — has a bent rod, many times the buggy angler will run out of the truck and start casting 20 yards away.
    Bad move; It’s not bad to want to fish where the fish seem to be, but buggy anglers shouldn’t do drive-by muggings. A nice gesture would be to ask the walk- on if he minds you casting there for a few. Common courtesy goes a long way.

    When surf fishing, all that really matters is common sense and a little respect. We’ve got a lot of anglers in New Jersey and 128 miles of coastline to hit hard. Sure, there will be days where it’s a ghost town and you have the beach all to yourself, but there will be days when it will be jampacked. React accordingly.The saying goes, “Do unto others that which you would like done unto you:’ or something like that. If it feels like you are mugging somebody, chances are you are. Whether you’re a local who lives year-round in a beachside community, a part-timer who owns a house or rents to enjoy a few months out of the year, or a day-tripper who drives from inland towns to enjoy the beaches, we are all fishermen and all have the same rights, respects and responsibilities to share the beach eqially. Respect the angler. Don’t mug!

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    roselle park nj


    I was fishing SH last week. I was reeling in an effin sea robbin. All alone I was on the entire beach. All of a sudden two guys approach me. One sets up, no lie 8' of my rod. The other guy does the ame to my left. I could not understand it. I am not a very confrontational person UNTIL provoked. The guy to my left crossed me two times. The second time he tells me maybe I should put more weight on because of the current. That mother effer heard me politely mutter to myself but loud enough some not so nice words. That was my worst muggin ever. Over a stinkin sea robbin.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by finchaser View Post
    If only this was true! WAIT, then again it was 90% true before the INTERNET and cell phones

    This one can get really hairy in the heat of the moment, so it’s best to keep it ultra-simple: Don’t”cut in.”
    An angler walks up to the beach and sees bass and blues busting the surface all over. If the pack of anglers is tight, don’t walk down and begin casting between two anglers already spaced evenly apart. You’ll encroach on their already established personal space and screw up the whole dynamic. Walk to either end of the pack, anticipating the school’s movement, and begin casting. The school moves, then the other anglers pickup and frog-hop to the forward-progressing end of the line to begin casting again. It’s bad karma to “cut in” between anglers.
    That would be ok, if people actually had manners. Unfortunately I don't think you could pull it off fishing the jetties. Definitely agree with you on the pre-internet and cell phone thing, though.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Deliverance River, NJ


    Quote Originally Posted by finchaser View Post
    When adult bunker schools come in close enough to snag from the suds, it can get competitive from the beach.
    Always stay on the outskirts of the snagging crew. Say there are five guys all snagging bunker, but the school has begun to move south fast. You are on the tail end of the snagging crew. You don’t have the right to pick up and muscle your way in between anglers 2 and 3, or 3 and 4. What you should do is frog-hop the entire bunch of anglers and intercept the school ahead to start snagging again. However, that action only applies if the pack of anglers is fairly tight If the anglers are spread out, see the 20/50-yard rule above in respect to re-entering the snagging crew in the middle.

    The concrete rule: No boat has the right to fish so close to the surfcaster’s average casting distance without expecting repercussions. Surf fishermen should get first dibs on surf fish. If a boat fishes a bunker school or boiling bass closely enough to the shore to read the writing on a surfcaster’s hat, the boater must expect the possibility of being pelted by errant plugs, heavy metal jigs or weighted bunker snags. A surfcaster needs not give way to a boater.
    I feel your pain guys. Even though I'm not on the beach much, I can tell you how aggravating it is on the water, and you set out your chum slick. You start catching fish because of your chum, money, and time. Then some yahoo comes along and decides to set up next to you. If that isn't a mugging I don't know what is. I blame it all on bad parenting and parents being too lenient with the children. Johnny never got hit when he was growing up, so hence he feels a right to walk on the toes of others after he grows up.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    friggen a-holes they are all just stupid thats why i dont like to go out front much if i am with dark i will go there if i stay away i cant stand it with me u get three times after that its on the city tude will come out and i can get very nasty

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2008


    That was a thread well worth reading. Great suggestions. There are too many numb nuts out there who think they own the beach and give a rat's *** about anyone else.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Raleigh NC


    yet another reason i moved out of jerksky

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Mugging 101....

    I know some might think this is stupid, but after my foray into IBSP this week it's apparent some folks out there need instructions on this type of etiquette...

    I'll lay more down when there is time, for now feel free to post opinions...

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Ocean County,NJ


    Keep advertising IBSP and it will get worse

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Raleigh NC


    ha ha

    sounds to me like somebody got a 5 oz Hatteras slung over their line

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Pebble Beach and Cliffwood get bad in the spring and you get mugged. When that happens I just move. I have a few tricks up my sleeve, and there is more than one way to skin a cat.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    As soon as I got a fish this morning, out on a bar, 3 guys came out to where I was. Its like they watch you like vultures or something.

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