**MBO, a warm welcome!
For those who don't know him, I met Matt one night in the Spring when a few of us were running around between Ocean and Monmouth counties...he's originally from Md, (now in NJ) is seemingly a good guy, and is pretty proficient at casting conventionals long distances on the flat Md beaches when the fish are there....

hoping maybe he can share some of those stories and possible tips and techniques he uses with us.....Hope your seasons in NJ are productive, MBO, and welcome aboard!

As for the helmet thing. I know a lot of guys think it might look gay, or stupid..I can definitely relate to not wanting to look stupid out there...but if ya know me you should know that with the stories circulating about my stinkin waders and sleeping in my car to get "two bites out of one trip"...

It doesn't really bother me what people think of me...(other than the close friends I have, and Pebbles),,,,I have always marched to the beat of a different drummer, and sometimes it seems I'm the only one who's hearing the music...so I encourage all opinions here, don't hold back.,...but I also think it's time for a thread where we discuss this further...feel free to jump in and again, honesty is important here.....if you don't agree, that's a valid point and deserves to be heard...but please tell us why, as well....thanks for reading, folks!