Quote Originally Posted by finchaser View Post
In Darks case it couldn't have anything to do with sleeping in the front bucket seat of a small car ( The Stench Mobile) and breathing toxic fumes for days on end

Quote Originally Posted by Monty View Post
I ate 15 bananas between Thursday and Saturday. Another 5 today. So far, no real cramps.
If we ever manage to agree on a convenient date for a gathering.....I'm gonna put you and RIP up there in a banana eating contest.....


I realize I need to bump this again...I was out trolling artificials for 3 hours Sat at the end of the day into the darkness...that much trolling is pretty taxing on your legs and I had to stop twice for 10 minute intervals with severe leg cramps.

Where I was, could have been deadly if someone were to panic....and this pinching the lips method worked once more.

I was talking to UrbanFishingMan about this...he suggested Potassium tablets and more hydration....that seemed to work for me, as I was trolling and paddling for 4 hours yesterday at separate locations....thanks guys.