Fin, you and I have talked about this... Our conversations are responsible for a lot of the content I formulate, and I want everyone to know how much credit you and some other friends deserve. I'm just the guy who can put things into nice sounding words and paragraphs, but it's the old-timers like Fin and others here who deserve the real credit....they have conversations like this every day...just go down to Castaways B&T and grab a cup of coffee, and you would be amazed at some of the things that are discussed over the counter down there...

One of the motivations for putting up threads like this was to celebrate the knowledge that the old timers have, which far eclipses that of anyone writing some of the recent books that have come out lately...

I don't mean to detract or criticize any one writer specifically, but some of the younger anglers out there assume the latest in the internet popular writers, are inventing this stuff as they are writing it....and that it is Gospel...not realizing that many of these "New Techniques" and "Cutting Edge Approaches" have been around for years.....