I know this because I spend between 200-250 nights a year fishing for them....

Because I used to target them solely in NJ.
As little as 8 years ago, I could catch a half dozen small bass in an hour before work, getting my fix for the day.
And then go about my normal business happy, and content.

Fast forward that fishing mindset to 2012-

I have expanded my striped bass range to 5 states...
meaning I now have to fish NJ and 4 surrounding states, to get the numbers and sizes of fish that I used to catch in NJ.
This has skyrocketed my expenses to catch bass, and frankly it's killing me...don't know how much longer I can keep it up....or want to.....

Because I remember how easy it used to be to catch a few striped bass, just a few short years ago....

And most importantly....
Because over the last decade I have built a network of contacts all along the Striper Coast...

And these conversations, hundreds of them, with folks from all walks of life, who love to fish for striped bass, are all starting to have the same resounding themes......