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Thread: PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA

    I found this on another site.
    The folks at PEW have been busy.
    Please sign the petition if you can.

    Everybody needs to pay attention to this, if you don't think it can happen here, check with your buddies out in California, PEW is going to shut down recreational fishing.

    Help Required
    Hi Folks.

    I bring bad news. The Australian Commonwealth Marine Parks Zoning Maps have finally been released and the news is not good.

    The Coral Sea. One of the worlds largest pristine marine enviroments will be closed to recreational fishing.

    If you have ever dreamt of doing a Nomad trip or visiting the wide reefs off Cairns please sign this e petition from Capt Damon Olson of Nomad Sport Fishing.

    There are only 2 months to make any changes to this plan and we are up against the wall. Once implemented it will be law and will take a vote in both the upper house and lower house of federal parliment to repeal. The marine parks were developed by PEW and they got what they wanted.

    To read more on the parks please read here

    Be aware my yankee friends. We were the first test. Now watch PEW close down large portions of the USA to fishing.

    PLease sign the letter. Over 90% of submissions supporting the marine park came from over seas. You can make a difference from another part of the word.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA

    The link to the petition:

    To sign the pettition and send a letter to Mr Tony Burke Minister for the Enviroment click here

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA

    Thank you so much for posting that, Bass Buddah.

    This is one of the main reasons I have been so outspoken about the Manhaden Defenders group .
    The head of this group, has registered as a paid lobbyist for the MFCN, which is an Extreme Environmental group funded by PEW donations.

    That some people don't see the danger in supporting a group funded by PEW, is amazing to me.
    It shows me that many guys out there don't want to take the time to truly learn about some of these groups and who is behind them.

    I am grateful for the few who have taken the time to learn and see the dangers, that are clear to me.
    Although at times the things we say may be unpopular, the relationships like this, must be brought into awareness in the fishing community...

    IMO if the funding relationships weren't so despicable and morally questionable from the perspective of any rational fisherman, the founders of groups like this would have long ago disclosed their ties to PEW interests.

    And they didn't....until a few of us did the research, made the connection, and exposed them as lobbyists who lobby for Conservation and Eco-Closings (MPAs) ABOVE the rights of fishermen.....

    The one thing that also surprises me is the apathy of a large number of fishermen, who you expect because of their positions and time spent fishing, should know better....yet the best they can do, is make light of these relationships, liken the heated discussions to " a short bus accident on the Parkway".

    Cmon guys you can do better than that,,,,,,,,,making light of the key relationships, and the apathy some have shown, is valuable intel showing these environmental groups that most of us, do not care......and that is the really sad thing as we try to raise awareness of these protocols and questionable funding relationships....

    Thanks to those who do care and are trying to raise awareness.....
    To the others who can't be bothered,,,,,please don't whimper so much how unhappy you are when they push for MPA's in NJ...(incidentally the mechanisms for these MPAs are already in place...the documentation for this is already in threads previously posted)....

    I'll do a search when I get a chance...If someone wants to post the link for it before I get to it, you will have my thanks and appreciation....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA

    And, for any of ya's who can sign the petition...I went to the site and checked it out...looks legitimate, easy, and painless....

    I already did it, and am asking any of you who care, to please do it as well...just click on the link and fill in....thanks....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Ocean County,NJ

    Default Re: PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA

    We are next especially that they funded Nobama in 2008 and he needs there supoort in 2012

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA

    Done, thanks for posting, I hate pew

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Re: PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA

    Done! thanks for the info!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Re: PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA


    Here is an article called zoning the ocean, It relates to this.
    "Competing values
    Environmental groups that support the president's efforts include the Pew Charitable Trusts, which says that the fragile health of the oceans is being threatened by the increasing industrialization of the seas.
    "If poorly planned or managed, drilling for oil and natural gas in federal waters, developing aquaculture and building wind, wave and tidal energy facilities all have the potential to damage America's marine environment,” Pew said in a statement supporting the president's policy.
    But some believe bureaucratic interference on such a large scale is the real threat.
    "The last thing we need is the federal government running the damn ocean and a bunch of bureaucrats running around trying to determine whether you can fish in one spot or another,” said Dan Kish, senior vice president for policy at the Institute for Energy Research."

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA

    done thanks

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Re: PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA

    Did it! Thanks for posting.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Ocean County,NJ

    Default Re: PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA

    Quote Originally Posted by captnemo View Post

    Here is an article called zoning the ocean, It relates to this.
    "Competing values
    Environmental groups that support the president's efforts include the Pew Charitable Trusts, which says that the fragile health of the oceans is being threatened by the increasing industrialization of the seas.
    "If poorly planned or managed, drilling for oil and natural gas in federal waters, developing aquaculture and building wind, wave and tidal energy facilities all have the potential to damage America's marine environment,” Pew said in a statement supporting the president's policy.
    But some believe bureaucratic interference on such a large scale is the real threat.
    "The last thing we need is the federal government running the damn ocean and a bunch of bureaucrats running around trying to determine whether you can fish in one spot or another,” said Dan Kish, senior vice president for policy at the Institute for Energy Research."
    He's a piece of sh_t I don't understrand how anyone who fishes voted for him.Maybe now that no one got free homes or cars and still have to work they won't make the same mistake

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

  13. #13
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    Mar 2008

    Default Re: PEW closing Australian water with Large MPA

    Quote Originally Posted by finchaser View Post
    He's a piece of sh_t I don't understrand how anyone who fishes voted for him.Maybe now that no one got free homes or cars and still have to work they won't make the same mistake
    Thank you, sir!

    Just filled it out, thank you for the link.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2024


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