Quote Originally Posted by captnemo View Post

Here is an article called zoning the ocean, It relates to this.

"Competing values
Environmental groups that support the president's efforts include the Pew Charitable Trusts, which says that the fragile health of the oceans is being threatened by the increasing industrialization of the seas.
"If poorly planned or managed, drilling for oil and natural gas in federal waters, developing aquaculture and building wind, wave and tidal energy facilities all have the potential to damage America's marine environment,” Pew said in a statement supporting the president's policy.
But some believe bureaucratic interference on such a large scale is the real threat.
"The last thing we need is the federal government running the damn ocean and a bunch of bureaucrats running around trying to determine whether you can fish in one spot or another,” said Dan Kish, senior vice president for policy at the Institute for Energy Research."
He's a piece of sh_t I don't understrand how anyone who fishes voted for him.Maybe now that no one got free homes or cars and still have to work they won't make the same mistake