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Thread: NJ Fishing Reports for August

  1. #1
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    Default NJ Fishing Reports for August

    NJ fishing reports for August 2012.

    NJ fishing reports for August

    Important when registering on our site -- use an active email address so you can activate your account to be able to post.

    Please post fishing reports little or as much detail as you want to give.

    Please note: NO SPOT BURNING! Posts burning spots will be Edited or DELETED!
    Some veteran fishermen have put in years developing and learning about certain spots.Some of these spots can only handle a few guys at a time. We are losing enough access as it is, due to the unfortunate behavior of a few selfish people. No sense in making it worse.

    For some areas, it would be wiser to say:
    Out Front (Ocean) OR -- Out Back (Bay) -- if you feel too many people will figure out what you are talking about. "Spot burning" also could involve mentioning something specific only to that area. If you do this, your post may be edited, or deleted. Remember that thousands of people could potentially read these posts. You don't want to be fishing next to ALL of them at the same time!

    IF you are fishing an area that is NOT residential, being vague is less critical. For example, it's acceptable to say (Any)Park, or (Any)Bay, or mention a specific state park that has loads of parking and can handle the crowds.

    If you are unclear on this concept, ask yourself:

    If I name this place on the internet, will it be too crowded for me to enjoy tomorrow when people hear I got 30 fish here today?

    If the answer is "Yes", then you should probably not be so specific.
    More discussion on this:

    We post these reports so our community will have a sense of what is working, what is not. We want to show people how to catch fish, rather than where.Even if you struck out or got skunked, it would be helpful to hear that as well.

    If you have any additional details you would like to share - weather conditions, tide (incoming, outgoing, ebb, flood) water temps, bait present, or other mention of techniques or plugs used - feel free.

    Some acronyms -

    SH - Sandy Hook
    NoMoCo - Northern Monmouth County (below the hook to Shark River Inlet SRI)
    SoMoCo - Southern Monmouth County (below SRI to Manasquan Inlet)

    OC - Ocean County
    IBSP - Island Beach State Park
    LBI - Long Beach Island

    AC - Atlantic County
    AI - Absecon Inlet
    CISP - Corson's Inlet State Park
    CMC - Cape May County
    CMR - Cape May Rips
    GEI - Great Egg Inlet
    TI - Townsend's Inlet

    RB - Raritan Bay
    BB - Barnegat Bay
    CB - Chesapeake Bay
    CBBT - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel
    DB - Delaware Bay

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    you won the plug in the July 2012 random drawing!
    PM me your address so I can send it out to ya!

    We post these reports so our community will have a sense of what is working, what is not. We want to show people how to catch fish, rather than where.

    If you struck out or got skunked, it would be helpful to hear that as well. Anyone who posts a report can win a plug even if they got skunked!

    This month we're giving out plugs from Ace Baits, or something similar.

    Thanks for posting and helping to make this a great site!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    August doldrums......

    For most anglers out there. the bass just aren't around in numbers this summer. Part of that is the hotter water temps which has pushed them out of the surfline, to places north, and to areas (channels, some inlets, etc) where the water is cooler or deeper....

    To most who try, they will not see bass...there are a few here and there, providing you realize that bass are low light feeders unless provoked to a frenzy by unusual blitz baitfish conditions.....

    And where there is a lot of bait, you will find bass on the edges, feeding in the low light.....

    That feed could be in the middle of the night,...
    Or when the water temps from a tide change bring water that is 5 degrees or more cooler.....
    Or the feed could be at first light in a back bay area....

    The back bays in some areas are too "hot" for large populations of bass right now....but...there are some back bay areas that are holding some good numbers because of the unusually abundant forage....

    That forage, being spot/lafayette, peanut bunker, spearing, sand eels, rainfish, croakers, small kingfish, sea bass, baby blackfish, mantis shrimp. grass shimp. and small in some areas at the highest concentrations it has been in years....

    If the temps don't push us into massive fish kills, we could have a great fall.
    the weeks of August are sometimes known as the Summer doldrums because a lot of the fishing declines with the temperatures....

    But the fish are still feeding, fluke, small bluefish, tropicals (triggerfish, sheepshead. etc) rays, sharks, and some inshore pelagics, are all coming to the buffet table and feeding.

    Guys who are fluking are saying the keeper ratio is higher than it has been in years, even from the surf....

    Many folks slow down their fishing activity in August, instead waiting for the end of September for the "Fall Run"....

    If you keep good logs you know the increase in activity begins much earlier than that...
    And if you are willing to move around, and put the effort in, you can find fish of some type, all summer......

    Good luck out there everyone....
    and please be safe.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Last night I only had 4 hours to fish.
    Conditions were beautiful, surfcasters' dream....the water cleared up nicely from the storms....and it seemed the NE pattern dropped it a degree or 2, at least where I was.....The swell, duration, and sets of waves were beautiful...full moon obscured by clouds....

    Made a few ocean stops with no results....
    Fished half of the ebb and part of the flood.
    The moon tides make fishing the last of the ebb in the ocean or bay challenging at times because you "run out" of water. It forces you to limit your search to an area that may have some deeper water, or wade out over the bar in search of fish in some areas.

    In my experience, and for the areas I like to fish.....generally speaking....
    I find that during these times, the end of the ebb isn't that great, as the moon tides can be extreme.

    It can be a better strategy to fish the higher water.....unless you are looking for areas where the predators like to ambush the bait at the lowest tides......
    Last night I didn't mark any real concentrations of bait at all.... where I fished.

    Anyway, I managed 2 small bass when I finally found a few fish, 1/2 hour feeding window right before the tide change.
    Both on small bucktail and white grub.....

    They wouldn't hit anything else, not rubber, not even my best-producing plugs...
    They did hit the bucktail aggressively, though, much more than the half-charged hits I had been getting on previous trips.
    Even though the fish were small, I had a blast catching them.
    I feel the slight drop in water temp may have had something to do with that.

    The wind was a stable SW through the first part. After the tide changed the S wind kicked up, and fishing for me sucked after that.....
    Hey.... that's fishin.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Ocean County,NJ

    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    This AM released 1 bass and 1 blue water way too warm we need a cold front

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
    That forage, being spot/lafayette, peanut bunker, spearing, sand eels, rainfish, croakers, small kingfish, sea bass, baby blackfish, mantis shrimp. grass shimp. and small in some areas at the highest concentrations it has been in years....

    If the temps don't push us into massive fish kills, we could have a great fall.

    Agree 100% Dark, raritan bay is loaded with bait. Not too much on them other than small snappers.
    I agree with finchaser all these sunny days don't help us. We need about a week of rain and fog. Drop the water temperature and the fish should move in and chow down.
    congrats on your catches guys at lease you are still catching blues and striped bass, I will try some of the nomoco beaches this weekend. Can't wait till they open north beach.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Quote Originally Posted by storminsteve View Post
    . Drop the water temperature and the fish should move in and chow down.
    congrats on your catches guys at lease you are still catching blues and striped bass, I will try some of the nomoco beaches this weekend. Can't wait till they open north beach.

    Steve, it seems the water temps in the ocean have dropped a bit, at least for the night tides. I have to remember to bring that thermometer the OGB gave me to get an accurate reading. I keep worrying that I'll break it as I'm pretty active when I'm fishing. One of these days I'll bring it.

    Swell info has the ocean temps in that area at 75 degrees this morning.

    I can't believe that's accurate for some of the areas I'm fishing at night. Last night the water was cool and clean. It's some of the cleanest water I've seen in a week or so. I would estimate the water where I was to be closer to 70. You know I like to poke my hands everywhere...

  8. #8
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    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Fishing report....Fri night....
    Fished last night, only had 3 hours of fishing time.
    Fished half of the ebb. Cooler, clean water, fantastic clarity.
    Conditions out there were a surfcasters' dream...

    As my time was limited I thought I would start where I got fish the night before.
    Struck out, dead water.

    2nd stop had an almost legal sized bass on the 2nd cast.
    I was drooling in anticipation, thinking I could pull some numbers.

    Classic Googan Mentality...
    logic should have told me it's a "1 and 2 bass" kind of thing this summer, lately...where if you get one or 2, it's done for that location, time to move on. The fish for me, have been scattered, and usually only available at 1/3 of the locations I stop at.
    It was not to be, only that one fish. 15 minutes later I gave up and moved on to the 3rd location.

    When I got there, I was not optimistic. I couldn't mark any bait. Those of you who have had discussions with me on the phone know how obsessive I am about bait and forage.

    It's not that important that people are catching in a certain area. I want to know why the fish are there.

    Last night I figured out the "why" but it took me awhile.
    Ended up with 2 more bass, again another just shy of legal size. I loosened my drag after the bigger fish left in June, to make it more sporting to catch these small schoolies. The 2 larger bass pulled drag, it was an awesome feeling.

    What I know about me, is I need's not so much the catching, but something to pull drag.
    When the bigger bluefish come back into the bays and rivers around the 3rd week of this month, I'll probably limit my fishing for these baby bass and concentrate on bluefish, and albies when I can get down there in the daytime.

    All fish released quickly, caught on bucktail and white grub.
    And they hit it like it was going to be their last meal.
    The interesting thing is they would not touch a plug,, for me.
    2nd night in a row I had it happen this way.

    I did notice this batch of fish seemed a little skinnier than they were a week ago.
    You really never know what you will run into when you fish the ocean at night...that's part of the excitement for me.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Hey great reports guys. Glad to see you are still catching bass. I fished a Cape May beach last night, last hour of the incomeing tide. Got 5 kingfish on fishbites bloodworms pieces double rig. Also caught some spot threw them back because I couldn't fish later on.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Fantastic catching! I think any bass in the summer are great no matter what the size. It sounds like you had a fantastic time dark and seamonkey I'll bet those kingfish are tasty.
    I fished ocean county from 4-6am today. There were reports of bluefish and the cow nosed rays. I heard there were schools of them and wanted a look see. Well, I didn't see any. I did get 2 small tailor blues around sunrise on a light 1 oz ava. Beautiful sunrise.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Fished this morning 1:00 to 8:00 ocean side.
    Worked about a mile of beach, around 1:30 I hooked into whats in the first pic (lightning reflexes).
    Few minutes later caught the Fluke in next pic (cool how close it matches sand/pebble bottom in that area). Then had some bumps and misses the rest of the outing but could only manage another Fluke and a couple snappers (all on the teaser). Snappers were harassing bait fish that were no bigger than an inch. Water was a bit stained. Was a real good time, weather was great, water nice, great to be on the water.

    White Water Monty 2.00 (WWM)
    Future Long Islander (ASAP)

  12. #12
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    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Monty you found my surf shoe! Did you find the other one I'll give you a reward for it, lol.
    Looks like you brought in everything but the kitchen sink. I fished nomoco for the surnrise incoming tide, It was pretty strong and a little clouded. In the morning I could see those small blues ravishing the bait. I couldnt catch one though. Too small and I didn't think of a teaser. Love that fluke on the teaser and the awesome sunrise pic.
    I also saw some dolphins jumping out of the water. At least it looked like dolphins or small types of whales it was too far away to see clearly. Awesome, but only 2 short fluke on gulp for me.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Nice going guys the shores of the back of the bay and the river are dead for bigger fish. Tons of those little snappers. If you go to Keyport harbor or AH harbor you can get your limit with the kids with snapper poppers. The peanut bunker are getting bigger. There is so much bait back there I wouldn't be surprised if albacore come in to the inlets and harbors after it.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Quote Originally Posted by storminsteve View Post
    Monty you found my surf shoe! Did you find the other one I'll give you a reward for it, lol.
    Looks like you brought in everything but the kitchen sink. .
    I also saw some dolphins jumping out of the water. At least it looked like dolphins or small types of whales it was too far away to see clearly. Awesome, but only 2 short fluke on gulp for me.

    Steve, I saw them too. Briefly, then they disappeared. They were only about 75 yards out, I'm sure they were dolphins.
    Funny stuff about Monty catching everything but the kitchen sink. If there is an award in the future, I think I would get that shoe bronzed, attach it to a tree branch, and make it into a trophy..
    He does take some great pics, though.... those sunrise shots are great motivators to just get out there and enjoy it...there won't be too many fishable mornings like that in January....

  15. #15
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    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies;60830What I know about me, is [B
    I need that...[/B]it's not so much the catching, but something to pull drag.

    Two words - tuna fishing

  16. #16
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    Central Jersey

    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Great report and pics monty. I was wading last year near some rocks and lost one korker. If you drag that up maybe dark can add that to the branch and give you a shoe tree trophy. Just kidding, enjoyed the report as always.

    This morning -SRI area, small blues, and then about 1/2 hour after sunriise some thinner longer species pushing bait. Frigate mackerel and spanish mackerel. They were pretty close, maybe 75' Was throwing small deadly ***** but could not get a touch. Bringing even smaller metal next time.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Quote Originally Posted by finchaser View Post
    This AM released 1 bass and 1 blue water way too warm we need a cold front
    Ask and you shall recieve from the NWS forecast
    "An advancing cold front will provide the focus for severe thunderstorms Sunday afternoon and evening as it crosses the Northeast "
    Good news aout the small speedsters buckethead, thanks.
    Love the shoe tree idea, but you should ask Monty if he wants to branch out first. Is it King of the googans or king of the shoe trees. Decision time.

  18. #18
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    Ocean County,NJ

    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    today got a call and went from 11 am to 1 Pm released 3 bass and 19 blues blues were 4 to 7 pounds spitting up 8 to 10 in corn cob mullet what a season

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

  19. #19
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    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Quote Originally Posted by finchaser View Post
    today got a call and went from 11 am to 1 Pm released 3 bass and 19 blues blues were 4 to 7 pounds spitting up 8 to 10 in corn cob mullet what a season
    Nice Finchaser!!
    White Water Monty 2.00 (WWM)
    Future Long Islander (ASAP)

  20. #20
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    Default Re: NJ Fishing Reports for August

    Quote Originally Posted by jigfreak View Post
    Is it King of the googans or king of the shoe trees. Decision time.
    My bet is on King of the Googans. When Monty screws up he does it in style.

    Fin, outstanding results there....your dedication pays off.
    Not many have anything close to those numbers from land for the last 2 months....WTG.

    My report - Sun - skunk report

    Fished after the storm to keep it honest.
    Scattered showers, the remnants from a NE pattern, cooler water, looking for fish.
    Nothing at all for me, although I tried for a few hours.
    I think the ocean water has cooled down a bit and we could see some interesting things....

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