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Thread: Plastic swimmers: Differences, what works when

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Ocean County,NJ

    Default Re: Plastic swimmers: Differences, what works when

    Mega baits J110 are 5' and 7/8 ounce they cast great and catch fish even better down to my last 12

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: Plastic swimmers: Differences, what works when

    Mega Bait and the Mambo Minnow were 2 of the favorites of the Old Farts Fishing Club (OFFC). They even considered calling themselves the Mambo Minnow fishing club, until I convinced them the OFFC name was cooler.

    The thing thay makes some of these work, IMO, is the rattle some of them have, and the small profile.

    Even though Fin says he is not a profile fisherman, I'm gonna be the contrarian and say sometimes when the fish are scattered or picky, it really has mattered, to me. For example, these big bluefish at night that we are targeting. They do not seem to want to hit 7" plugs when the primary forage is small bait. 4-5" gets the most attention.

    I still like bombers though I feel they have dropped in popularity. When I'm fishing rocks or inlet areas I always have it in my head that what I'm throwing might be donated to those rocks. A bomber is a lot cheaper to lose, and I still fish them religiously. If you look at them swimming in the water they have a good wiggle in current.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: Plastic swimmers: Differences, what works when

    When they work.....

    The SP has been touted as a plug that will make the fish jump out of the water and land on the shore in front of ya.
    I lot of guys are tellling me they now won't fish anything else.

    I think that is somewhat short-sighted, though....
    In rough water, for example, I have done much better with the Mag Darter in side by side comparisons.

    I feel that in rough water, where the swell is big, the Mag darter is easier to keep in the strike zon for longer periods than the SP.

    Of course, that's just my experience.
    Guys who plug fast moving current like the Rips in NJ., or the Mass Canal, swear by the SP.
    In those conditions I would agree, but not if the swell is bigger than 3', in my experience. (and the fish are scattered)....if there are a lot of fish around there are many things you can throw to them with success.

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