Great post Dark
Here are three pics. First one is a rip that has been very productive for me (except this year ...I have lost a few fish and missed a bunch of hits there this year, pretty sure this getting old thing has caused my cat like reflexes to deteriorate to unprecedented levels resulting in missed hits and ridicules amounts of lost fish (story for another thread....or not)).
Under some conditions at night, lower tide, I can wade out and cast into it (fun). Rubber Hogys have done well for me there as well as needles and teasers. False dawn, cloudy days and even some sunny ones have been productive with pencils, assorted poppers, metals and teasers.. to a lesser level metal lip plugs. The rip is productive from in close (caught fish 10 feet from the beach), to as far as I could cast (100 yards+). Areas like this can be very productive
I like fishing this area more at the lower 1/2 of the tide. Not because its more productive, but its more fun for me to be able to wade out onto a bar that is there. Out going has been a bit more productive.
I enjoy fishing low tide more than high, throwing artificials I tend to find a lot more structure (points, cuts, pools, rips, sand bars).
The second is one of many doubles caught there.
The third pic is of white water....