Here's Al Ristori's follow up report........

Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
Monty's now famous, ....congrats gave Al a run for his $$.....
As he was driving home, he told me about this guy who was mugging him on the beach. Every time Monty got a fish the guy was there to see what he was doing and how he was doing it (Monty was the only guy on the beach that got fish that morning......)
Later on, we discover it was Al.....

Al Ristori's report......
"I didn't catch anything in the surf this morning, but watched a surfcaster fight
two snagged sting rays. Fortunately, he was using relatively heavy spinning tackle that enabled him to work the first ray that I'd estimate at 30 to 50 pounds and was snagged in the tail. He switched to a surface plug, and was working that hard when he hooked up with a sea robin that hit the fast-moving teaser on the surface. Then he went back to the original diamond jig, and amazingly snagged into another sting ray that he eventually cut off on the leader in the wash. "