Quote Originally Posted by storminsteve View Post
I'm not as hard core as some of you guys. dont like the spray of water in my face it gets old real quick. white water monty I am curious what your preference is, 8-10 feet?

5-7 feet is about it for me. I just want to be out there fishing, so if its fishable and I can get out there I do.
But...Catching a Striper in a rough surf gives me a bigger rush. Its more challenging to me, hence the feeling of accomplishment is bigger.
One of my favorite outings I caught 3 short Stripers and lost 2 others plus a few hits in waves that were in the 4-6 feet area on long casts with Ava 37 and rubber teaser between 2:00 and 5:00 AM, on a sandy beach, dragging it over sand bars, along the bottom.....in pouring rain (was lots of fun, worked hard for those fish, in solitude ).
2-4 feet with a decent chop is lots of fun. Got chop and white water and water that's not to murky its time to I like throwing a 2 3/8 oz Super Strike popper in this type of water in daylight. At night throwing Hogys over bars, close to rocks, troughs. My favorite/most successful plug for rough surf at night is the Bottle darter.
Normally if I get down to the shore and the waves are 4-6, 5-7 and water is murky I'll head bayside (not an option these days).