Quote Originally Posted by hookset View Post
The videogame industry is another that could be affected following the Sandy Hook tragedy, as fingers point toward the often violent games' effect on the psyche of American youth (Lanza was apparently a fan of the wildly popular, military-themed "Call of Duty"). These early reactions could lead to long-term changes in the business world, or we could go back to "business as usual" before long. This remains to be seen as this far-reaching, fast-moving story continues to unfold

If you want to talk about the violent video games you also need to lump the rap music in there. Are there any parents out there today paying attention to the rap their kids listen to? All about ******* and hoes. They glorify gun violence, selling drugs, and violence against women. I don't understand how those monkeys can get away with it. They are all about glamorizing violence to get paid. What happens when some impressionable kids act like they do in the videos and start thinking the thug lifestyle is the way to live?