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Thread: Obama after Sandy Hook Elementary: "we must change"

  1. #21
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    Deliverance River, NJ

    Default Re: Obama after Sandy Hook Elementary: "we must change"

    I agree buckethead. Gangsters and hoes what does that say for how these people view the rest of society. There is a certain segment that feels it is their duty to get over on the man, collecting welfare, running drugs, etc. Bad morals have led to a breakdown in society. Regulating gun access will not solve that or make the killings any less likely to happen. Bad guys will always find a way to get a gun.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Obama after Sandy Hook Elementary: "we must change"

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
    If you do a search, you will find there are some towns in the South (Texas has one of them, I believe)

    Where there is a very high % of gun ownership...and less crime than in other those areas folks are permitted to shoot to kill....and when you are threatening someone's life or liberty, or the safety of their family.....I believe you deserve to be shot...

    Again, these are just my thoughts,,,,,
    But with all the animals out there....there is no way the Gov't is going to protect me from every possible circumstance... getting rid of all guns will just make us less safe as individuals....
    I therefore feel we have a right to arm ourselves, should that time ever happen when we are placed in grave danger as explained above.

    "We need to be here to protect our children rather than 5 or 6 minutes away"
    Armed school in Texas - I like it.

    Texas school’s ‘Guardian Plan’ allows teachers to have guns

    By Mike Krumboltz, Yahoo! News
    Mike Krumboltz

    In 2007, a school district in Harrold, Texas, made a controversial decision. It allowed teachers to carry concealed weapons on school grounds to protect students against potential shooters.

    [Related: Scenes from Newtown, Connecticut]

    Now, in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary attack in Newtown, Conn., that left 28 dead including 20 children and the gunman, the school district's methods are getting a closer look. In a report from CBS Dallas Fort Worth, superintendent David Thweatt says the district's "Guardian Plan" is a way of taking charge in the chaos of a potential shooting. Teachers are the true first responders, Thweatt says. "We need to be here to protect our children. Not four, five minutes or six minutes from now."

    [Related: Will Obama use executive action on gun control?]

    In an interview with Fox News, Thweatt said, "As educators, we don't have to be police officers and learn about Miranda rights and related procedures. We just have to be accurate."
    Thweatt isn't sure his plan would have stopped the Newtown massacre; however, he contends that "active shooters go where there is no one there to resist. The Guardian Plan addresses that fact."

    [Related: School nurse hid for four hours after Connecticut shooting]

    Of course, many favor stricter gun control rather than arming teachers in the wake of Newtown. Several pro-NRA Democratic senators have come out in favor of gun control legislation, and MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, a longtime advocate for gun rights, recently reversed his stance when it comes to guns and the gun lobby. "Friday changed everything. It must change everything," Scarborough said. "We all must begin anew and demand that Washington's old way of doing business is no longer acceptable."

  3. #23
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    Raleigh NC

    Default Re: Obama after Sandy Hook Elementary: "we must change"

    Quote Originally Posted by buckethead View Post
    What happens when some impressionable kids act like they do in the videos and start thinking the thug lifestyle is the way to live?
    They end up in and out of prison. Learning how to do more of the same and networking with like minded individuals.

    I know; I used to be a corrections officer.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Obama after Sandy Hook Elementary: "we must change"

    Quote Originally Posted by hookset View Post
    The videogame industry is another that could be affected following the Sandy Hook tragedy, as fingers point toward the often violent games' effect on the psyche of American youth (Lanza was apparently a fan of the wildly popular, military-themed "Call of Duty"). These early reactions could lead to long-term changes in the business world, or we could go back to "business as usual" before long. This remains to be seen as this far-reaching, fast-moving story continues to unfold
    I agree with this hookset. I recently got my daughter in law mad at me because I had a chance to view the video games that my grandchildren were playing. One of them is called grand theft auto, I think. It is extremely violent. People are killed callously and it seems like a very bloody game. I feel these games are affecting the morality of our youth. They are very impressionable at that age.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: Obama after Sandy Hook Elementary: "we must change"

    hey don`t get me started like fin said the kid was ill but there should not be guns and head problems in the same house .. IMO !!!!!!


  6. #26
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    Default Re: Obama after Sandy Hook Elementary: "we must change"

    interesting article about the assault weapons ban by a liberal:

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