I'm going to try to finish this Assessment for 2012....
I let this lapse as other things in my life do have priority....but I'll try to get some of the Qualitative data I collected finished by the end of February.....

What's important is these are not random opinions by me on a soapbox, but a compilation of hundreds of critically honest observations by Captains and Anglers...all along the East Coast, who I have been fortunate enough to meet and remain in contact. I'm very grateful for their opinions as these are the folks who fish more than most.....

And absent quantitative data, or data that is sometimes flawed or skewed (look at the recent dispute in the Seabass assessments and biomass calcs)

I would submit that this Qualitative method of gathering and presenting assessments of hundreds of anglers...is as accurate a picture as you wll get at this time....and can been seen as a compelling indicator of
1. Trends
2. Concerns
3. Rationales
4. Critical Field Observations

Many thanks to all who have been a part of the accuracy in the Qualitative observations in this thread.......