Met Alan from Lemire's plugworks. One of the newer builders on the market. First time I had heard of him. These newer builders and people on the fringes are usually the things that catch my eye because they seem to have interesting stories.

Some background:

This is one of the newer plug builders out there, Alan Lemire from Lemire's plugworks in RI.

He's been doing this for about 4 years now, and fishes heavily out of Block Island.

One of the things that impressed me about him is he claims he test swims all of his plugs before he packages them for sale.

I realize the big builders can't do that, but for a novice builder just starting out, it was refreshing to hear he has such a committment to quality control. Without getting into names, I have at times met builders who brag to me how they sell the plugs "that don't swim right" on E-bay. I don't understand that. If I was making plugs I wouldn't want a bad plug to be put in the hands of a fisherman. That would matter to me because I would want the guy to catch a fish, and toss the bad plugs away. Maybe that's just me.

I can't tell you anything else about the quality of Alan's plugs as I just met him for the first time today. However, I like his business philosophy, and wish him success in the years ahead.

Nice meetin ya Alan.