Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
When a 60 or 70 year old angler tells me there are less fish, they are afraid we are headed for another moratorium, and this is echoed by scores of other interviews with guys of that experience who are saying the same thing....to me that has more validity than any scientific numbers.....

5. The old timers know, before the Stats came out closing the Striped Bass fishing in 1982, that something was wrong. They knew this long before the scientists and scientific data could prove it.

If you don't want to do the research and put in the time to learn what I have learned....just the first minute of this video could help to show you.......

I submit to you folks here, that the old-timers, know that now, and are speaking out about it.....
The same parallels that were being drawn in 1978-1981, are once again surfacing....
Is anyone listening?
I'm not 60 or 70 but totally agree. Been fishing the Sound for 25 years. Steady decline in larger bass. There are still 4/5 good weeks when bigger bass are out front of most of the Ct rivers and on the boulder fields in summer but this is only my opinion that the numbers are not the same. For a while there was a big to do about the bunker not being around as much. I agree with that too. The bunker were here in more numbers this year so that is a positive development. The thing to think about is that even with more bunker the numbers of large fish overall is down. Of course Greg Myerson got his world record fish, in 2011. Blaine Anderson got his estimated 74 lb striper in May of last year. I still think the biggest stripers on the Coast are in the waters off Ct. That is because of the porgy and lobsters they like to eat and the way the water flows into the sound bringing a rich diet to our area. Additionally feel that another world record will come from here.

The thing I am noticing is that there are a lot less bass when you try to fish the shorelines and rivers. Always you will find small bass. They will commit suicide and are very aggressive. What is missing are the numbers of bass from 15 to 40 lbs. This is my opinion and observation and like you said I am not a scientist either dark. We are all just guys who love to fish. Some friends who fish a lot and are what you would call sharpies say the same thing though. Good thread.