Quote Originally Posted by finchaser View Post
IMO some people like that grow up to be poachers because some are following in there fathers foot steps they had to learn it some where you don't wake up dishonest. My father taught me if your not going to eat it release it. I guess were back to hanging them by there testicles Your new generation is having more and more things taken away from us(access) do them bragging about it on FACE BOOK and there sloppy wasteful ways with no respect for the resource or peoples property. As I always say Bunker and Internet will be the demise of the bass,which i never thought I would witness again in my life time but who says I'll live another 4 or 5 years
I agree, you are right on the $$ finchaser. Unfortunately we as parents try our best. I have tried with my children. They call me mean sometimes. They don't know what that word means. When I was a lad I was beaten with the back of my father's hand. If you mis-behaved or talked back you got hit. That is how it was and there was no protective services then. I am not saying that was the best way. It did teach us to behave and respect each other though. One of the biggest things I see among young folks today (btw what generation are they, Generation Z?.) I don't know what category they are now, but the respect and consideration for others is not there in a lot of young adults in that age group