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Thread: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

  1. #1021
    Join Date
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    Sorry for the news, t&p

  2. #1022
    Join Date
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    Yes, very sad news, thoughts and prayers sent.
    White Water Monty 2.00 (WWM)
    Future Long Islander (ASAP)

  3. #1023
    Join Date
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    Thoughts and prayers. May God watch over her.

  4. #1024
    Join Date
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    Still praying for her, Jon, please keep us updated....


    Live for Today....
    this is a variation of an old Sanskrit Proverb I think is somewhere in this thread as well....

    Seizing the Moment
    (from ITR daily mails)

    I will not hold back today. I will seize the moment. All the excitement and beauty of life is just as present in it as is or ever will be possible. There is nowhere else to be. This is it. The potential for life is here and now; there is not nor could there be another, more important or soul-filled moment.

  5. #1025
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    Thanks everybody.

    Mom was released yesterday. I had to go back to work, so my wife has taken my place with Mom. She'll give her a hand for a few days, and we'll see if she can live on her own again. If not, she'll go to the next level up of assisted living.

    The first stroke was in the back of the brain, the part that controls vision, so she is now legally blind. She has limited, blurry pinhole vision in one eye; the other is completely blind. The second stroke was in the left front of the brain, which controls speech. She has been able to get a lot of that back.

    Mom is quite a character. Her mom died when she was 8; her dad lost everything in the great depression (Mom was born in 1920,) and my dad died suddenly in 1985 at the age of 67. They were married in 1942 the day before Dad shipped out to Pearl, where he spent the war as a codebreaker. She managed to conceive on their wedding night, but lost the baby.

    The list of stuff goes on and on, but she has a great sense of humor and is a tough old bird.

    When she was on the edge a week ago, she told me, "sh_t happens." We sure are glad that she survived.

    Thanks again for all your prayers.


  6. #1026
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    from the Daily Readings....

    September 6

    Honest Living

    Soul cannot shine through a distorted lens; it cannot operate through a dishonest life, a life filled with pretense and subtle lies. I will be honest and genuine in the way I live. I won't pretend to be what I am not in order to look good. Living well requires a constant vigilance, constant awareness. When I don't pay attention to the way I live, it is all too easy to slip into bad habits and nonproductive ways of thinking, behaving and conducting myself. I will live mindfully today. I live an honest life.


    If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting, too,

    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
    Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
    And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

    If you can dream - and not makes dreams your master,

    If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim
    If you can meet Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same.

    Rudyard Kipling

  7. #1027
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    Quote Originally Posted by jonthepain View Post
    Mom is quite a character. Her mom died when she was 8; her dad lost everything in the great depression (Mom was born in 1920,) and my dad died suddenly in 1985 at the age of 67. They were married in 1942 the day before Dad shipped out to Pearl, where he spent the war as a codebreaker. She managed to conceive on their wedding night, but lost the baby.

    The list of stuff goes on and on, but she has a great sense of humor and is a tough old bird.

    When she was on the edge a week ago, she told me, "sh_t happens."
    We sure are glad that she survived.

    Thanks again for all your prayers.


    Interesting story, Jon..I don't remember hearing that from you before......

    I like her outlook on life, because sh*t certainly does happen....
    Keeping her in our prayers....

  8. #1028
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    yes it certainly does.

  9. #1029
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    She's still in our prayers, Jon...

    I'm posting this because sometimes we take all the great things (and people) out there, for granted...I know I'm guilty of this as well...

    From the ITR site...

    How Amazing Is This World

    How fantastic it is to imagine a creator, a force behind this wondrous mystery of life. Could it really be possible? Could life and death still be life? Am I just another aspect of the cycle of life, of soul? Who is this power that creates such beauty? This mystery is beyond my powers of contemplation. It humbles me, it puts me into perspective, it makes everything else seem so much smaller. Life. Where do I begin to wonder about it? Is accepting the mystery enough or do I need to solve it in order to enjoy it? Perhaps I am only meant to accept and live with the mystery in order to participate, to stand in awe before that which I can probably never fully understand. Today, at least, that will have to do. Today my jaw will drop.

    What had that flower to do with being white,
    The wayside blue and innocent heal-all?
    What brought the kindred spider to that height,
    Then steered the white moth thither in the night?
    What but design of darkness to appall? -
    If design govern in a thing so small
    Robert Frost

  10. #1030
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    Default Written by a Wise Guy

    Who has woe? who has sorrow? who has contentions? who has babbling? who has wounds without cause? who has redness of eyes?
    They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine.
    - Solomon

    (Proverbs 23:29,30)

    yup, that was me.

  11. #1031
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    Default Written by a Wise Guy

    Wine [is] a mocker, strong drink [is] raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.

    (Proverbs 20:1)

    yeah, i knew getting drunk was a dumb thing to do. guess it took a while (ok, like 30 years of being drunk constantly) for it to sink in.

  12. #1032
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    Default Written by a Wise Guy

    Yea, you shall be as he that lies down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lies upon the top of a mast. prov 23:34
    rofl this one always cracked me up. don't know why bedspins are funny, but they are

  13. #1033
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    Quote Originally Posted by mick2360 View Post
    Jon, Great to see you here! Keep coming back!

    Dark, There is a lot of disagreement over various aspects of a twelve step program. I was lucky; I was sick enough and desperate enough to follow advice. It saved my life. We come from different angles on the God aspect of the program. Acknowledging that and putting it aside, agreeing to disagree if you will, there is still a lot I can learn from you. How can I not respect a man who carries a googan bucket with such confidence and dignity?

    Quote Originally Posted by jonthepain View Post
    BE the bucket

    And you see from this thread that everything in fishing and sobriety, eventually refers back to the bucket.......

  14. #1034
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    This is for jonthepain........

    Quote Originally Posted by jonthepain View Post
    thanks, guys. but it's all grace. no way could it be me.
    Pray for Grace......time to start posting in this thread again.....

    Lyrics....Pray for Grace...Michael Fanti and Spearhead

    Why must I feel like this today
    I'm a soldier but afraid sometimes
    To face the things that may
    Block the sun from shinin' rays
    And fill my life with shades of grey
    But still I long to find a way
    So today I pray for grace

    I take a moment to myself

    So I can myself
    To feel myself
    And be real myself
    Life's addictions and afflictions
    Cause abrasions from their friction
    Sometimes, it's easier to live in fiction
    I can run, but I can't hide
    From the pains that
    Reside deep down inside
    There is no pill
    That can be swallowed
    There is no guru
    That can be followed
    There's no escapin'
    From my own history
    Those that I hurt,

    And those that hurt me
    I was dead for a million years
    'Fore I was born and
    I'll be dead for a million more
    After I'm gone

    So I live, to give somethin'
    That can live on
    Like the way you hum a song when the music's gone
    Like the warmth on the sand

    When the sun goes down
    And I'm sittin' with myself
    Nobody else is around but,


    Been a long, long time
    Since I been away
    Been a long, long time
    Since I felt this way
    Been a long, long time

    I found the words to say
    How much I'm grateful
    For my life today
    'Cause under every cup
    You might find a nut
    Behind every corner
    You might get jacked up

    At the end of every rainbow,
    You might find gold
    The last bite of your sandwich,
    Hope you don't find mould

    'Cause none of us
    Can live the perfect life
    The kind that we see on nick at night
    And sometimes, we all
    Just lose sight

    Of the pain that will guide us
    From dark into the light
    We fall down yes, but we get up,

    And sometimes we just need
    A little bit of love
    To help make it
    Through another day
    Into the night, into the light,
    Into a Saturday

    So in the morning when I'm waitin'
    For the sun to raise
    And my head's a little foggy
    Like I'm in a haze
    I remind myself that
    Everything is gonna be okay
    I take a breath, slow down and say....

  15. #1035
    Join Date
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    well said.

  16. #1036
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    Serenity Prayer...
    God grant me the Serenity to Accept the things I cannot change.
    Strength to Change the things I can.

    And the Wisdom, to know the Difference....

    Change.... from the ITR daily feed....
    "I cannot change without thinking.
    This saying makes you ponder. It is a thought that challenges us to think outside of the box. It forces us into explanation. You cannot really change something without first understanding what it is you want to change. "

    Change, and our everyday lives.....
    Many of us complain about the monotony of an everyday, boring life....we allow ourselves at times to get into a rut....
    This can happen with work, family, relationships with friends, even the recreational activities we like...if we do things the same way each time, it is easy to think..."Hey, I'm bored here, is that all there is to life?"

    For addicts and alcoholics, routine is good.
    In our addictions, we had many bad habits. Some not related to drinking or drugs, but related to behavior.
    Breaking the cycle of alcoholism/addiction involves removing alcohol and drugs.

    It also involves identifying those bad habits and moving forward to break them...

    I think these words may also apply not only to those struggling with addiction, but with life as well.....
    The routine that many of us complain about..yes it can get boring, and mundane.....
    In a way, humans are creatures of habit...some of us grow to accept and embrace the routine...because it provides us a sense of comfortability....
    I understand that....the comfortability of knowing you have a job, or a home, or people who love you, in your circle of the world, is very powerful.....

    It can also act as a buffer from the terrible things going on at times in the outside world.

    However, there are times in life when we need to change, for make the move to the next level...whether it be emotionally, professionally, financially, or just giving ourselves more opportunities to find the things that make us really happy....

    I'm kind of in that situation right now....
    Stuck in the comfortability of the past...
    Slowly pushing myself to take on different challenges and opportunities....
    At times it is daunting....I honestly don't want to do it...

    As much as I am hungry for other opportunities, and say I want a better life for myself...I still have the character defect of procrastination...and hanging on to the comfortability of the past......

    There are times in life when you have to recognize that the reality you are in not your future...
    If you are depressed or feeling down, there is almost always a better way, if you are willing to plan, and work your plan....
    The passage from ITR above kind of touches on that...and hence the reason for my thoughts today...

  17. #1037
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    If anyone else is feeling that way, or has felt that way...don't despair...

    The only final chapter in life is death....if you recognize and accept that, you know that every day you can write a new chapter....
    Today, you can change your life....

    As I change my life and some of the bad habits I've fallen into, I'll try to talk about it here....
    I know others get a lot out of these posts.

    I stopped posting so much in this thread because I didn't think it was making a difference...but then all of a sudden I started getting PMs of encouragement...finally understanding that even though this thread helps me at times, it also helps others, who would prefer to remain anonymous....

    That's can always comment if you feel like stigmas are attached to posting in this thread.....
    This thread is as much about life, and our struggles with it, as it is about alcoholism and addiction....
    If my words have been an inspiration to some, as evidenced by the PMs, I thank you for the kind words you have sent....

    And just remember, in your darkest hours, you are not alone.
    If you can manage to reach out to others...some will heed the call....and tomorrow can be a better day......

  18. #1038
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    Quote Originally Posted by jonthepain View Post
    Mom is quite a character. Her mom died when she was 8; her dad lost everything in the great depression (Mom was born in 1920,) and my dad died suddenly in 1985 at the age of 67. They were married in 1942 the day before Dad shipped out to Pearl, where he spent the war as a codebreaker. She managed to conceive on their wedding night, but lost the baby.

    The list of stuff goes on and on, but she has a great sense of humor and is a tough old bird.

    When she was on the edge a week ago, she told me, "sh_t happens." We sure are glad that she survived.

    Thanks again for all your prayers.


    I enjoy hearing about your Mom, Jon. Your family started with nothing...and was able to find some success in the landscape of opportunity in this great country....
    The color you add to the posts by your characterizations is part of's all real, and could be the story of any one of us....thanks as always for sharing.

  19. #1039
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    you're welcome.

    went to the funeral of a good friend of mine last week. he sat next to me in Bible study, and in the one-step program the he went to every week, and I attended sporadically.

    heckuva nice guy, just retired from the State Highway Patrol.

    59 years old. too young.

    Mike Williams. goodbye, my brother. Godspeed.

  20. #1040
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    Default Re: One Day at a Time - Do You Know Bill W?

    ^^ I'm sorry Jon I just saw this....My deepest condolences on the loss of your friend.....
    I'll call you this sorry to hear that.....

    RIP Mike Williams......

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