^ thanks for the helpful answer, Surfstix.

You will find a lot of old salts here, and some not-so-old salts.
Some will be grouchy at times, like the OGB Finchaser.
Some will be crabby at times, like the COB Surfstix.
Some will be spectacular but entertaining googans, like Monty....but also helpful and hardcore in their dedication to find fish....
Some will be vexing but funny pranksters, like Bababooey and Storminsteve.
Some, like me, will sleep in their car for 3 nights and smell real bad, just to catch a few fish.
Some will actually turn out to be normal folks, with no crabby or grouchy, googan, or compulsive issues at all.

Most, will fall in the middle of the extremes I just described. We're united by our common love of fishing.

But most of them are helpful and willing to lend a hand,,,,the motley group that we are.....Glad ya could stop by for a while....hope you can learn some things, and look forward to your contributions......

Welcome aboard, Oscar.