I have been using the 11' Avid Surf AVSS110MHF2 for most of this year.
Light, casts great.
Rated for 3-8 oz, Fast action, but I can cast mambos to 4 oz metal, comfortably and with great distance for both.
Can work a pencil with it.
Drills SP Minnows.
Casts 14" Hogys better than any rod I have used.
For me its a great all around rod that is also very easy on my shoulder.

Rod Specs:
Length: 11' 0''
Power: Medium Heavy
Action: Fast
Pieces: 2
Line Weight: 15 - 40
Lure Weight: 3 - 8

I was looking for a rod to throw the big Hogys and still throw plastic, the person at the store who I bought this rod from showed me this rod and said it would also cast plastics a mile. Let me try it out and he was right.