Your body aches so much, you immediately pop 2 advils.....just to dull the pain and you can keep moving......

You say to yourself..."Man I must be getting older...when I did this 10 years ago it never used to ache so much!"

Then you remember, 10 years ago you fished the night was taking candy from a baby, when you found them...and when you found feeding fish you could nail 15-30 a night....and some nights your numbers were 40-50.....aah....those were good times......gone as a distant memory that not many can relate to...

Now...There are less bass know that because you have to work twice as hard, to put up the same numbers....

To learn more on this do an internet search for the phrase
"Honey the Striped Bass are Shrinking How to Recognize the Signs"

You struggle to put a catch together at night...if you can find 5 decent's a good night...if you can find 10 or 20, it's an outstanding night...and you know you will not have many nights like that, this season....

But you are in the game anyway...
Can't catch em from the couch, you tell yourself......

and you are iin, balls deep, a full blown have learned, over time, that if you really want big fish from the land...the night bite is the only bite for where you have a real shot at a trophy...your personal best....and that with the big fish few and far have to spend the time, when they are there....