Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
4. The Scent of Salt Air...it has a definite scent....a Freshness.....the breeze that breathes life into you, as you are tired, and don't want to push on any further....it is the Breath that refreshes.....and wakes you up...when you are getting drowsy and all of a sudden you are brought back into reality as a nice fish hits your line, makes it's first run... or smashes your plug...and almost jolts your arm out of its socket.....

5. The Smell of the Sea.........
There is no smell like that of the sea....ask any Sailor, Merchant Mariner......Capt who is on the water a lot.....or Fisherman who spends many nights a year out there.......some of us may take it for granted....but the smell, the scent....has a subliminal attraction for a lot of us.....and there are many who could not bear to live too far away from it....for too long...
You got that right. It has ruined me from freshwater lakes and rivers. On vacation we went down to Jim Thorpe and I watched the white water rafting company launch and went down to the bank after they left. The Lehigh river was terribly smelly. I figured up that far in the mountains the water would be more pure, but nope. Made me miss the ocean all that much more!