John,, maybe it's just me getting older but I found that hard to read.....
Hope ya don't mind, I'm reposting it for ya in a larger give everyone a chance to see what you're selling....
I see some good deals there...good luck....

Like most fisherman I have a bunch of stuff I've acquired over the past few years that I don't use that much or at all anymore.

I will post pictures if anyone is interested.


Penn Squall 15 - $115 + $5 to ship New never casted - comes with box and everything that came in the box.

Mounted it to a rod to spool the line and quickly found out I absolutely hated right handed conventionals. Made the mistake of hanging onto it past the return period.

Shimano Saragosa 10k - $175 + $5 to ship - used - comes with box and everything that came in the box

Bought this new when there was a lot of hype about it. Used it a few times when I first got it and its been sitting as a backup reel to the Van Stalls ever since.

It could pass for new and doesn't have anything wrong with it or any scratches.


St Croix Mojo 12' Casting rated 6-16oz - $125 - LOCAL PICKUP ONLY

MSC120HMF2 12' H Mod. Fast 2 20 - 60 6 - 16 20.0 9 $ 290

The rod has some condition issues but nothing that would affect fishability . Surface scratches on the blank and a cut in the x-flock right at the rod but. The cut could be covered via one of those $2 plastic but caps.

The rod has a lot of guides and someone at the factory in Mexico did not perfectly align the top three guides (excludes the tip) as they are off center a little. I fished the rod a bunch of times and never noticed it until a friend pointed it out to me. I contacted St. Croix and they said if I shipped it to them they would replace or rewrap the top half of the rod.

This rod is a good spring surf chunking stick and would also do well now in the summer chunking for sharks.

Im selling this one because I purchased a better heaver...a 13' custom Carolina Cast Pro.

St. Croix Avid 11' Casting rated 4-12oz - $125 - LOCAL PICKUP ONLY
- This is not the new Avid series...this is the older surf series.

The rod is in good condition with only a few scratches on the blank. Cork grip shows its age.

This is a heavy duty rod with some serious power behind it. A lot of jersey guys still love to chunk with these although all that power comes with a price as this rod is stout.

An overall great rod if your targeting bigger bass or sharks. I am selling this one because I prefer to use my 12’ CCP rod to chunk.

** Any interest, contact J Barbosa.......