My biggest assets are probably
- determination,
- resilience,
- refusal to let folks out there, accept the status quo....
- communication skills
- getting to know many of the old timers in the world of Salt Water fishing, talk with them, and then summarizing and conveying what they have taught.....

* And most importantly, the ability to humble myself, when addressing others.....
without that, there can be no progress or growth......

* None of this is gained by preaching, or shoving my beliefs down someone's throat.....
There are still people out there who are highly offended when they read posts about catch and release...or claims that the striped bass biomass is declining...
Some of my family members don't understand why I would go fishing and release the makes it that much easier to understand why folks we don't know, may judge doing that harshly.......

* I have found education to be the best way....but educating folks, is a slow process....
We are only now, starting to see many of the top people in the fishing world, starting to talk about conservation....
And drawing analogies between conditions now....and those right before the moratorium in the late 1970's....

It's so important to make that distinction between Conservation, and Preservationism/Environmentalism

When you see my apologetic way of's because I have become aware that folks who have different beliefs, are now checking in our forums.....

** There is an old phrase I try to live by, and look for, in times of uncertainty....."You can't please everyone..."
I do know that....but don't want to give anyone a chance to discount the message....simply because they are opposed to a small piece of what I may be stating on that particular day....

The message I am trying to get across, is so important.... that I want to feel I am reaching even the most critical opponent....
Hope that clears things up a bit, and thanks for reading.....