The important thing, is that I am not accepting this as reality any more.
This will not be the reality that I have to swallow, because I know in my heart, and hundreds of interviews I have done over the years, that it is not what most fishermen are seeing.

I am mad as hell, and not just going to rant about it anymore.
1. We will take action.
2. We will be heard.
3. We will ruffle feathers.
4. We will get various fishermen groups I have gotten to know, made aware of this...and at some point they will have to take us seriously.
If we are to make enemies or get folks mad at us for speaking the truth, so be it.

I am tired of bending over and taking it from the ASMFC
How many of you folks, feel the same way?

**Their actions suggest that somehow they are being unduly influenced by special interest groups. Again, just to be clear, there is nothing that is criminal about this. This is how things play out in the political arena....this is the nature of Politics and the Political process.

What I am advocating for, is some more transparency, and the idea that the Commissioners who vote on the ASMFC, are responsible to all fishermen, not just a few special interest groups.